Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/403

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IJISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 343 Olid lieutenant ; Company C was recruited in Stoddard county and was organized Febru- ary 4r. Its captain was Thomas B. Walker; first lieutenant, Anthony Arnold ; second lieu- tenant, John McMillan; Company D was or- ganized February 27th, with William Flentge as captain; Henry Wolters, first lieutenant, and Louis Storts, second lieutenant; Com- pany E from PeiTy county was organized March 26th, and had for its oiHcers: cap- tain, Peter Hogan; first lieutenant, Ferdi- uant Charveau and second lieutenant, Thomas Goin ; Company F was recruited in Perry and Bollinger counties and organized on IMarch 26th. Its officers were captain, Levi C. Whybark; first lieutenant, M. S. Ed- dlemon ; second lieutenant, Samuel G. Bid- well. Bollinger and Wayne counties recruited Company G, which was organized March 29th. The officers were A. R. Dill, captain ; Phillip Sutheiiin, first lieutenant, and Henry W. Worth, second lieutenant ; Company H was from Washington county and William T. Hunter was its captain. The Third Regiment was organized May 14, 1862. Albert Jackson was made colonel; Samuel P. Simp.son, lieutenant colonel; Ben- .iamin F. Lazear, major; and H. M. Mathews, surgeon. Neither the colonel nor lieutenant colonel ever took active command of the regi- ment and during its existence IMajor Lazear was in actual charge of it. Owing to a com- bination of circumstances it was deemed best to break the regiment up and this was done February 2, 1863. Companies A, B, and H were made a part of the Third Cavaliy ; Com- panies D, E, and F, a part of the Fifth Cav- alry ; and Companies C and 6 were disbanded and distributed among the companies of the Fifth Cavalry. This Third Regiment was at this time at Pilot Knob. From there it went to Patterson in Wayne county, where it was attacked April 20, 1863, by General Marma- duke and driven back to Pilot Knob. This regiment took part in no other active fighting though it did duty as guard and escort in various ways and did some fighting against the guerrilla bands. This regiment was or- dered to St. Louis after Price 's raid and then to St. Joseph where it was employed until mustered out about May 1, 1865. The Fifth Regiment, to which some of the companies of the 12th had been attached, was at Rolla. The regiment was engaged in scout- ing service up to the time of Price's raid and took pai't in the pursuit of Price, participat- ing in the battles at Jefferson Cit.y, California, Booneville, Lexington, Big Blue, Independ- ence, Hickmans Mills, and Fort Scott. They were later returned to Rolla and remained until they were mustered out of service. Besides these there were a number of regi- ments of Enrolled Missouri ililitia organized in Southeast Missouri. The Fifty-sixth Regi- ment was raised in Cape Girardeau county. It was organized October 4, 1862 ; and its gen- eral officers were : W. H. McLane, colonel ; G. C. Thilenius, lieutenant colonel ; and Ca.sper Uhl, major. The company officers were : Com- pany A, Captain A. P. Shriner ; Company B, Captain William Regenhardt ; Company C, Captain Lemon Haile ; Company D, Captain William N. Wilson ; Company E, Captain R. IT. Ruhl ; Company F, Captain S. W. Why- bart ; Company G, Captain J. S. Needham ; Company H, Captain Elisha Sheppard; and Company I, Captain Adolph Tacke. The Sixty-fourth Regiment was from Periy county and was organized October 27, 1862. Its general officers were Robert ]I. Brewer, colonel ; Joseph C. Killian, lieutenant colonel ; Charles A. Weber, major; and Thomas Hoos, adjutant. The captains were : Company A,