Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/404

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344 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI William T. Wilkinson, later John J. Seibel; Company B, Felix Layton, later W. H. Ben- nett ; Company C, John C. Ochs, later Anthon Hunt; Company D, Thomas G. Chadwiek; Company E, Henry Little; Company F, Jo- seph Meyer, later Henry B. Knox ; Company H, Chris Feig ; Company I, T^manuel Estel ; Company K, Joseph Lukefahr. The Sixty-eighth Regiment was organized November 20, 1862 ; it was made up of men from Iron and Wayne counties. Its general officers were : James Lindsay, colonel ; George W. King, lieutenant colonel ; Robert L. Lind- say, major; and C. R. Peck, adjutant. In March, 1864, John W. Emerson was appointed colonel in place of Lindsay. The captains were: Company A, William P. Adair; Com- pany B, Ross Jekyll, later W. B. Connelly; Company C, E. A. Killian, later Franz Dinger; Company D, Morgan ilace; Company E, W. J. Ezell ; Company F, W. W. Bunyard, later Pleasant W. Hodges ; Company G, James E. Davis; Company H, H. H. Finley; Com- pany I, Jasper Belkin and Company K, P. L. Powers. The Seventy-eighth Regiment was organized principally from Ste. Genevieve and sur- rounding counties, was constituted April 21, 1863, with F. Leavenworth as colonel, George Bond lieutenant colonel, James Hodgmeiller majoi', and Leon Bogy adjutant. The cap- tains were: Company A, C. H. Eddlemon ; Company B, Thomas Stone ; Company C, Phillip Wagner; Company D, John B. Eber- ett; Company E, Lawson Hughes; Company F, Andrew Miller; Company G, Herman Kustner; Company H, J. M. Benham ; Com- pany I, S. E. Montgomery, and Company K, William Roth. The Seventy-ninth Regiment was organized in June, 1863, in Scott and Mississippi coun- ties: Henry J. Deal was colonel: George M. Kayser, adjutant, and Solomon D. Golder, surgeon. The captains were : Company A, Edwin P. Deal; Company B, L. W. Priehett; Company C, Samuel Coleman ; Company D, George C. Vail; Company E, W. W. Camp- bell, later C. Grojean; Company P, Samuel Tanner; Company 6, James H. Howard; Company K, John L. Painsberry. .The Second Infantry was organized and mustered into service at St. Louis, Septem- ber 10, 1861, and was composed in part of men from Southeast ]Iissouri. It saw a great deal of hard service and took part in the bat- tles in Southwest Missouri and then in the principal battles in Arkansas including Pea Ridge. Then it was transferred to Cape Gir- ardeau and from there to Corinth, Riengi, Mississippi. In September, 1862, it was or- dered to Cincinnati, and then to Lawrence- ville. On October 1, 1862, it started for Nash- ville and took part in the great battle at Per- ryville ; it reached Nashville in December, and participated in the battle of Murfreesboro. It was also engaged at Chickamauga and Chatta- nooga, at Charleston, Tennessee, and Dalton, Georgia. It was mustered out September 29, 1864. In October, 1862, the Twenty-ninth In- fantry was organized in Cape Girardeau. John S. Cavender was colonel, James Peck- ham, lieutenant colonel, and B. H. Peterson, major. Companies F, G, and H were re- ciniited in Southeast Jlissouri ; Christian Burkhardt was the first captain of Company F. He was made major of the regiment in November, 1864, and was succeeded as cap- tain by Herman Bader. James McGarve.v was captain of Company G, and Thomas Rhodes of Commerce, Missouri, was first lieutenant. The captains of Company H were: N. A. Cole, Thomas Jork, W. H. Gra.v and David Allen, Jr. This regiment also took part in