Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/405

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HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 345 many of the larger battles of the war, after its organization it was sent first to Patterson in Wayne county and then returned to Cape Girardeau. On December 8th, it was trans- ferred to Helena ; the regiment there became part of General Blair's brigade and took part in the campaign in Louisiana and ]Iississippi. under Sherman. In the next summer it was engaged in the operations around Vicksburg and was present at the capture of that place. In September of that year it was ordered to Charleston and took part in the storming of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Later the regiment was sent to Georgia and then to Alabama and on April 30, 1864, it became a part of the First Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps and was with that command in all the battles of the Atlanta campaign and the campaign against Hood ; it was then mounted and took part in the cam- paign through the Carolinas. The regiment was mustered out in Washington and was re- turned to St. Louis in June, 1865. The Thirtieth Regiment of ^Missouri In- fantry was composed of eight companies re- cruited for this regiment and two of which had been raised for the 34th, which, however, was not organized. The general officers were : B. J. Farrar, colonel ; Otto Schadt, lieutenant colonel, and James W. Fletcher, ma,jor. Com- pany B was organized in Perry county in 1862, with William T. Wilkinson, captain; George S. Ziegler, first lieutenant, and C. M. French, second lieutenant ; this regiment was also attached to Blair's brigade participating in the campaign along the Mississippi, and in the bordering states. It was in Louisiana in 1864, and in November of that year was made into a battalion of four companies and placed under the command of William T. Wilkinson who was made lieutenant colonel. After this change in organization it saw active service in Louisiana and about Mobile until it was transferred to Texas in June, 1865, and was there mustered out August 24 of that year. The Fort.y-seventh Regiment was recruited by Colonel Thomas C. Fletcher, who had been authorized in August, 1864, to raise this regi- ment and was assigned to Southeast Missouri. The response to the call for soldiers was very prompt and more companies were offered than could be assigned one regiment, and out of the remaining companies the Fiftieth Regi- ment was formed. The officers of the 47th were : Thomas C. Fletcher, colonel ; A. W. Maupin, lieutenant colonel, and John W. Emerson, major. Colonel Fletcher was elected governor of the state in November, 1864, and was succeeded as colonel b.y Lieutenant Col- onel Maupin. The companies were recruited and officered as follows: Company A, Iron and Wayne counties. Captain J. S. McMur- try ; first lieutenant, J. T. Sutton and second lieutenant, P. A. Hodges ; Company B, Jef- ferson county; captain, W. J. Buxton; first lieutenant, J. C. Hamel ; second lieutenant, B. F. Butler ; Company C, Perry county ; cap- tain, C. A. Weber; first lieutenant, Felix La.yton ; second lieutenant, Thomas Stone ; Company D, Washington county ; captain, J. W. Maupin ; first lieutenant, L. J. Crowe ; second lieutenant, A. J. Gilchrist; Company E, Iron county; captain, F. Dinger; first lieutenant, George J. Fetle.y ; second lieuten- ant, John Schwab ; Company F, St. Francois county; captain, W. P. Adair; first lieuten- ant, C. Helber. second lieutenant, W. B. Con- nelly ; Compan.y G, Wayne and Bollinger counties; captain, IMorgan Mace; first lieu- tenant, Samuel W. Wliybark; second lieuten- ant, W. B. Wilson ; Company II, Wayne count.v ; captain, P. L. Powers ; first lieuten- ant, W. P. Tate ; second lieutenant, E. P. Set-