Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/41

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INDEX Felts, Robert Ci., 1180 Feltz, Lawrence L., 778 Fenwiek-Crittemlen Duel, 190 Fenwick, Ezekiel, 78 F'enwiek Settlement, 66 Fenwick, Walter, 190 Ferguson, James S., 293 Ferguson, J. S., 403 Ferguson, N. G., 470 Ferguson, Patrick, 1223 Ferrell, J. F., 729 Ferries, 161 Festus, 378^ ' ' Festus News, ' ' 535 -^ Fields, William E., 1296 Fifteenth Regiment, Missouri Enrolled ililitia, 347 Fifth Missouri Regiment, 343 Fiftieth .Missouri Infantry, 346 Fifty-sixth Missouri Regiment, 343 Figari, H., 413 Finch, James A., 1272 Finger, B. F., 371 Finley, David, 307, 308 Finney, James G.. 531 Finney, John M., 623 Finney, Revnolils M., 776 Kinney, T.'.M., 461 Finney, William B.. 770 Finney, W. E., 1240 First Association of Baptist Churches, 203 First Bank in Cape Girardeau, 256 First Bank in Jackson, 262 First Baptism, 56 First Baptist Church in Louisiana, 198 First Brick House Built West of the Mississippi (view), 50 First Circuit Court in Butler County, 312 First Conference West of the Mississippi, 206 First Congregational Church in Southeast ilissouri, 482 First County (state) Court, 160 First English School West of tlie ilississippi River, 77 First Grist Jlill, 52 h'irst Masiuiic Lodge, 157 First ^Methodist Society West of the Mississippi, 204 First Presbyterian Church, 207 First Protestant Baptism, 197 First Religious Service, 16 First School in Southeast Missouri, 193 First Schools in Bloomfield, 402 First Schools in Various Counties, 409 First Steamboat up the ilississippi, 188 /^^Fisher, Alvin B., 1155 Fisher, T. D., 540 Fisk, 372 Flanarv. Hugh M., 11193 I'^lat Rier, 3S4 Flecge, William B., 872 Flentge, Edward W., 606 Flentge, William, .343 Fletcher, Governor, 501 Fletcher, C. E., 273 Fletcher, James W., 345 Fletcher, .lohn W.. 273 Fletcher, Thomas C, 273, 345 Flint, Timothy, 207, 208, 261 Florence, Oscar S., 810 Floyd, .T. H., 473 Fly, Christopher C., 1219 Flynn, Ebenezer, 163 Flynn, Joseph, 530, 542 Fonville, William T., 1217 Forcher, Pierre, 89 Fordyce, S. W., 505 Forn'felt, 387 Fort, James L., 567 Fort A, 329 Fort B, 329 Fort Celeste. 89 Fort Creve, 30 Fort Davidson, 338 Fort Joachim, 52 Fort Osage, 44 Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry, 345 Forty-seventh Regiment, Missouri Volunteers, 347 "Forum," 539 Foster, F. P., 1277 Fourche a Renault Church, 478 Four Jlile Baptist Church, 473, A. L.. 1177 Fowlkes, R. W., 1176 Fo., Burwell, 616 Fox, James D., 551 Foxes, 35, 40, 70, 150, 170 Frank, Jacob J„ 1150 Franklin Bajitist Association, 469 I'>anklin, J. R., 293 Franklin, Robert G., 267 Frazer, Theodore F., 1263 Frederiektown, 64, 177, 186, 267, 268, 349, 420, 453, 454, 455 Frederiektown Baptist Church, 477 "Frederiektown Conservative," 538 "Frederiektown Democrat," 535 "Frederiektown Journal," 535 Frederiektown Xorthern Presbyterian Church, 493 ' ' Frederiektown Standard, ' ' 535 Fremont 's Rangers, 342 French, 50 French, Bristol, 705 French Explorers — From the great lakes, 22; Pi'eueh in Canada, 23; Joliet and Marquette, 24; La Salle, 27; Indian trade, 28; Tonti and Hennepin, 29; La Salle 's death, 31 French, George R., 342 French Settlers, 248- Fric, Philii) A., 885 Friend, Charles, 108, 179 Frissell, Elizabeth Bollinger, 318 Frizzell, Joseph, 194, 262 Frohna Evangelical Lutheran Church, 479 Fromentin, Eligius, 150 Frontenac, 23, 27, 28 Fry, Henry, 63. 179 Fulkerson, .James P., 256 Fur Trade. 124 Gabouri, Laurent, 51, 52 Gaither, Benjamin B., 290 Gaither, J. W., 987 Gale, C. F., 256 Gallivan, Thomas, 1062 Gambling, 189 Game, 50 Garaghtv, Eugene, 256 Gardiner, J. J., 402 Gardner, Demjisey, 11 SO