Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/42

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XXXVl INDEX Gardner, Samuel, 1155 Gardoqui, Diego, 83 Gargas, James W., 795 Garner, Levi, 1205 Garner, William J., 1184 Garrett, H. Clav, 1061 Garrett, Peter E., 262 Gary, Walter, 1269 Gaskin, John W., 1130 Gay, W. T., 799 Gayle, John W., 262 Gayoso, 108, 179, 282 ' ' Gayoso Democrat, ' ' 538 Geaslin, Hiram P., 582 Gee, John T., 1260 Geneauz, 52 George, Solomon, 62 "General Pike," 188 Gerhard, Ernst, 479 German Evangelical Churches, 482 German Methodists, 483 German Settlers, 249 Germans in Upper Louisiana, 128 Gibault, Father, 135 Gibler, Frederick, 74 Giboney Family, 77 Giboney, Alexander, 77 Giboney, Andrew, 256, 319 Giboney, Eebecca (Ramsay), 77 Gibson, 376 Gibson, Dean, 536 Giddings, N, J., 463 Giddings, Solomon, 207 Gideon, 379 Gideon Anderson Lumber & Manufacturing Companv, 1251 Gilbert, Charles E., 713 Gilbert, Miles A., 254 Gilbow, William N., 1285 Giles, John, 171 Gill, Ealph, 262 Gillen, Edward D., 951 Gilley, Jesse A., 293 Gillispie, Grant, 370 Girardot, 73 Girvin, J. T,, 314 Gissel and Companv, 270 Glascock, Charuel, 204 Glascock, John, 262 Glascock, Eobert L., 307 Glasscock, Sarah A., 308 Glassev, James A., 1198 Glen Allen, 17S_, 371 Glennonville, 377 Goad, Henry S., 1013 Godt, William J., 1142 Goff, David P., 721 Goflf, James L., 830 Gorg, Albert J., 1293 Golden, John, 291 Golder, Solomon D., 288, 344 Gomache, August, 65 Gomache, Jean Baptiste, 65 Goodale, C. T., 410 Goodman, Laurin C, 1192 Gordon, Joseph F., 1042 Gordon, Nellie, 426 Gordonville, 77, 79, 178, 374 Gordonville German M, E. Church, 483 Gorman, Kuran, 287, 288 Gossage, William F., 1008 Governor, 152 Government Under France — Province of Upper Louisi- ana, 112; question of language, 113; procedure, 113; intoxicants to Inilians, 116; excise tax, 116 Govreau, Joseph, 52 Grace Episcopal Church, Crystal City, 4S2 Graham, C. T., 476, 477 Graham, Clara E., 1261 Graham, Margaret A,, 1173 Graham, Napoleon B., 1173 Graham, Pinkney, 477 Graham, William, 1278 Graham, William F., 262 Grand Army of the Eepublic, 369 Grand Tower, ix Grand Tower, 24 Grandin, 373 Grandin Congregational Church, 482 Grant, John F., 1001 Grant, U. S., 329 Grasey. William, 290 Gratiot, Charles, 150 Graves, Fayette P,, 819 Graves, F. P., 557 Gray, Alexander, 320 Gray, David, 105 Gray, Drakeford. 171 Gray, John, 171 Great Osages, 39 Green, B. W., 1113 Green, Ernest A., 11.54 Green, Samuel JI., 319 Green, Thomas P., 193, 465 Greene, David, 199, 201 Greene, Eobert, 161 Greene, Samuel it., 203 Greene, Thomas Parish, 202 Greenville, 272, 333 Greenville Circuit, 454 "Greenville Democrat," 545 "Greenville Eeporter," 545 "Greenville Sun," 545 Greenwell, Leo A., 1060 Greer, Alfred W., 1172 Gregory, James, 374 Gregory, William, 349 Gregory, William N., 297 Gresham, Milo, 1276 Griffin. Edward. 656 Grimsly, William C, 313 Grishaiu, Lin, 628 Grojean, Constantine, 342 Groseilliers. 23 Grove. F. M.. 409 Gruelle. William. 530 Gudgpr. William M., 707 Guerthing. .Tohn, 164 Guess. Harrv A., 709 Guffy, B. l;, 982 Guib'eault, Charles, 107 Guibord, Eugene, 411 Guibord, Jacques, 159 "Cniignolee, La," 123 Guignon, S. A., 267 Guild, Ealph, 163, 318 Gulf Railroad Svstem, 259 Gulf System, 260