Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/514

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454 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI four families in two miles. Coiiutry as sparsely settled, prospect dark. "21st — Held quarterly meeting for Green- ville Circuit at old Father Dee's cabin, seven miles south of Greenville. On Sabbath we occupied Bowman's Chapel, near the dwell- ing, but the cold weather and smoke operated very niueli against us. However, when I called for mourners at night about one dozen came forward. "28th — Held quarterly meeting for Bloom- field mission in the town of Bloomfield. Here we occupied the courthouse, an unfinished edifice that does honor to the county. The meeting was pretty good, the love feast most excellent. The church numbers about twenty members and is doing pretty well. This mis- sion is also surrounded by swamps. In going to it I crossed a dismal swamp about three miles wide. "January 4, 1840 — Held quarterly meet- ing for Ste. Genevieve Circuit in the New Tennessee settlement in Ste. Genevieve county, at the house of John McFarland's family, an itinerant now a local of our church, one of the best of human kind. This meeting was a blessing to many in the church, but the wicked seemed little affected. I never preached much harder in my life, but all to no purpose, seemingl.v. This meeting closed my first round in the district. The dis- trict numbers about 1,200 members, the great mass of whom are measurably destitute of the power of godliness, though the most of them have the form, or a part of it at least, and are strictly moral. There is a want of vital relig- ion. The preachers have pruned the church since conference, and I hope God will follow this wholesome course with His blessing. "11th and 12th — Held a two days' meeting at Predericktown at which time the district stewards were expected to meet. . . . Second quarterlj' meeting for Cape Girardeau Circuit appointed for February 1, in the town of Cape Girardeau, but, the creeks being up, and the whole face of the country being covered with a sheet of ice, I was compelled to turn back, after having started, and so failed to reach the meeting, but I have since learned that the Lord was with them, and some good was done. A little revival of re- ligion began in Farmington during the holi- days, and as a result of it eight persons joined the church and three the Baptist church. Left home on Wednesday morning, and after traveling through mud and water almost im- passable succeeded in reaching the seat of New Madrid quarterly conference. The meeting was held in Lewis' Prairie, two and one-half miles from the old town of that name ; Brothers Haw and Dunleavy attended and assisted in the work. Thirteen were at the altar of prayer on Sabbath night, and eight united M'ith the church. This was the best meeting of the year, and we left the Ijest prospect that has appeared in the di.strict. "February 15th — This was the time for the Bloomfield quarterly meeting, but I failed to attend owing to ill health. I learn that the meeting was very good. Pour were admitted on trial, and the church was refreshed by the Spirit. "March 14th and 15th — Held the second quarterly meeting for Greenville Circuit at Brother Robert IMcCullough 's in Wayne county. Here I found a society of about twenty members and a little congregation. The class is in a pretty good condition at present, seem all alive and full of some kind of fire. I trust it is the right kind. Several came forward as mouniei's, and one old lady joined the class. Brothei-s M. Wiley and Christian Eaker afforded ministerial aid on the occasion.