Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/515

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 455 "JIarch 21st and 22d— Held quarterly meeting for Ste. Genevieve Circuit at Yorke Chapel in the Abernathy settlement in Perry county, five miles from Perryville, the county seat. Here we have a society of seventy-three whites and more than thirty blacks, but alas, how cold and fonnal! Very few appeared to enjoy the life and power of religion. Only two additions to the church. The brethren here dwell in ceiled houses, while the house of God lies in i-uius, the foundation only having been laid. I hope before the close of the j^ear the church will be completed. "March 2Sth — Held the second quarterly meeting for Farmington Circuit at Freder- iektown, Brothers H. Baird and L. Wiley as- sisting as ministers; congregation respectable and attendance good in spite of unfavorable weather; six mourners one night, and three accessions to our ranks. This completes my second round. It was more interesting than the first. Have missed three quarterly meet- ings on account of the difficulty of traveling. "April 4th and 5th — Assisted Brother Wiley of Farmington Circuit with a two days' meeting at John White's among the Dutch (my countrymen) on Ca.stor. This meeting was the best this year, about twenty mourn- ers on Sabbath night, some of whom were con- verted and quite a number received into the church. "11th — Commenced the quarterly meeting for New Madrid Circuit in Benton, the county seat of Scott; the congregation small and careless, and the professors cold. This was once a numerous society, but removals and deaths have reduced almost to a unit. Satan seems to have his seat here and intemperance reigns. "18th and 19th — Held a two days' meeting in the town of Cape Girardeau, assisted by Brothers Henry, Dunleavy and Owens. Here we are much opposed by Catholics, and Prot- estants are struggling for existence; have no meeting house but are trying to build one. "25th and 26th — Held a two days' meeting in the town of Jackson. Here we are com- pelled to worship in the courthouse, but are erecting a convenient church. Large con- gregation on Sabbath. This is another hard place. But few Christians and many specu- lators in religious principles. ' ' iIay 30th and 31st— Held the third quar- terly meeting for Cape Girardeau Circuit in Baker's settlement on Crooked Creek amongst my countrymen, the Dutch. Here we have a large society, but many members are in a lukewarm state. This region was once the kingdom of Bacchus. One passes an old still- house, and sometimes a new one every two miles. "June 20th and 21st— Held the third quarterly meeting for Ste. Genevieve Circuit in New Tennessee. One was received on trial. Arrangements are being made to build a stone chapel. It is much needed, for we worship in a dwelling-house or under a grove at present. "July 3d and 5th — Held the last quarterly meeting for the New ]Iadrid Circuit, in Math- ews Prairie, Scott county. It was a camp- meeting. Owing to the premature coming of the sickly season only four families camped out of a class of sixty whites and forty blacks. On Sabbath the congregation was the largest I have addressed for two years, say 1,000 per- sons. A few professed faith. "11th and 13th — Held quarterly meeting for the Farmington Circuit at a new chapel called Mt. Zion, in the New Virginia settle- ment, four miles from Fredericktown. "September 30th — Have closed the last round of the district — the camp-meeting round. ]Iuch good was done at some of these