Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/55

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INDEX xlix Shearer, J. G.. 478 Sheehv, John T., 1060 Shelby, Jo, 335, 337 Shelby, Eeubeu, 270, 402 Shell, Benjamin, 162 Shelton, Enoch, 308 Shelton, Lee. 562 Shelton, William H., 308 Shelton, W. V.. 823 Shelton, W, F., Jr., 824 Shepherd Monntain, xi Sheppard, Isaac, 199 Sheppard, Jesse C, 1282 Sheppard, John, 162 Sheppard, ■William, 262 Sherrill, L., 277 Shields, Charles W,, 926 Shields, S. A,, 808 Shipley, Husfh, 307 Sliivers, J. A„ 965 Short, John, 178 -Shot Tower, 65 Shrader, John, 153 Shreve, Israel, 84 Shultz, Thomas J.. 853 Shurlds, Henry, 169 Siege of New Madrid (1862), 265 Sigler, Charles L,, 1220 Sikes, John, 291 Sikeston, 108, 291, 525 "Sikestou Herald," 542 Sikeston M, E, Church, 460 Sikeston Presbyterian Church, 491 Sikeston Eidge, xiii "Sikeston Standard," 542 "Sikeston Star," .542 Simply a Big Oil Tank (view), 518 Simpson, A. E,, 288 Sjmpson, A. P., 1052 Simpson, Doda B., 1052 Simpson, .Teremiah, 77 Simpson. Samuel P., 343 Sink Hole. 172 Sinks, 222 Siouan, 34 Sioux, 170 Sixth Missouri Cavalry, 346 Sixty-fourth Missouri Regiment, 343 Sixty-eighth Missouri Eegiment, 344 Sixth Eegiment (Spanish-American War), 370 Skaggs, Dick, 307 Skaggs, Dr., 286 Skaats, Lillie E., 426 Slinkard, Frederick, 80 Slinkard, J. V., 873 Sloan, Albert D., 370 Sloan, H. L., 256, 262 Sloan, William, 169 Smart, John C„ 349 Smelting of Lead, 363 Smith & Love, 297 Smith, Asliael. 265 Smith, Harry A„ 539 Smith, Henry H., 154 Smith, H. M., 478 Smith, James, 288 Smith, James W., 160, 302 Smith, John, 350 Smith, John T., 169 Smith, Joseph, 290, 303 Smith, J. S., 290 Smith, Melbourne, 746 Smith, Owen A„ 835 Smith, Eeuben, 313 Smith, S. Henry, 535 Smith, Tilman, 80 Smith, T. John, 60, 190 Smith T.-Browne duel, 190 Smith, William, 199 Smyth, James A„ 308 Smyth, E. Lee, 1096 Snider, Frank M., 954 Snider, G. B., 667 Snider, .Jacob, 307 Snider, .John A., 1143 Snider, Oliver E., 313 Snoddy, John, 293 Social Life — Population of Louisiana in 1804, 117; Ste. Genevieve district, 118, 119, 121; American settlers, 119; houses of French settlers, 119; In- dians, 119; food and cooking, 121; French Cana- dians, 121 ; dress of the French, 122 ; amusements, 122; personal property, 124; wealth (personal property), 124; trade, 124; fur trade of Upper Louisiana, 124; American immigration, 125; houses of American settlers, 125; clothing, 127; food of the Americans, 127; general conditions, 439; houses, 440; food, 440; dress, 440; house- hold implements, 441; amusements, 441; physi- cians, 442. Son, Thomas A,, 752 Sorosis Society, 430 Soulard, Antonio, 65 Southeast District Agricultural Society, 257 "Southeast Gazette," 530 "Southeast Missourian, " 532, 537 "Southeast Missouri Enterprise," 534 Southeast Missouri Teachers' Association, 409 "Southeast Missouri Statesman," 538 "South Missouri," 530 South Missouri Guards, 301 "Southern Advocate and State Journal," 529 "Southern Democrat," 529 Southern Judicial (territorial) Circuit, 1.5_4 Southern Mississippi Steamer (view), 365 "Southern Missouri Argus," 540 "Southern Pemiscot News," 538 "Southern Scimetar, " 538 Southern, William A„ 720^ Spanish-American War, 370 Spanish Government over Louisiana — Merchants, 13U; prices, 130; products, 130; travel, 131; religion, 133. Sparks, Daniel. 164 Spear, Edward, 171, 199 Speer, Asier J., 1189 Spence, James M., 293 Spenee, J. M., 403 Spence, William A., 1152 Spence, W. W,, 493 Spencer, Edward, 307, 310 Spencer, H.. 307 Spencer, Urban C, 402 Spencer, Wade H., 282 Spiggott, Joseph. 206 Spiller, Elbert C, 284 Spiller, S. W., 374 Sprigg Street, 329