Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/56

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1 INDEX Stacy, William L., 1047 Stady, William C, 568 Stalleup, James A., 1208 Stalleup, Lynu JI., 1207 Stalleup, Mark H., 291, 1206 Stanberry, Henry, 243 Stancil, Martin L., 313 "Standard," 531 Stanfill, J. H., 371 Stanley, Eufns H., 937 Stanton, John, 169 Starett. William S., 957 Starved Boek, 30, 31 Statehood — Memorial for, 234; Missouri Compromise, 237, 240; solemn public act, 239; state bounda- ries, 242. State Normal School. Cape Girardeau, "259, 367, 409; established, 420; courses of study, 428; lit- erary societies. 4oO; the Young Men's Christian Association, 431; library, 431; enrollment, 432; faculty, 432; board of regents, 433; former presi- dents, 434 ; place of the normal school, 436. State Normal School, Cape Girardeau (view). 4'^1 Statler, Conrad, 79 . ' Statler, Peter, 79 Stear, Jacob, 290 Steck, Emil, 1236 Steele, 382 Stein, Louis, 652 Steinback, B., 74, 97 Steinback, F., 74, 97 Stephens, John W., 932 Stephens, L. L., 473 Stephens, Thomas. 202 Stevens, John, 313 Stevenson. .Tohn, 311 Stevenson, J. Henry, 763 Stevenson, William J., 341 Stevenson, William T., 879 Steward, Ambrose S., 1292 Steward, .Tames, 65 Stewart, Robert, 313 Stewart, Thomas, 262, 401 Stierberger, Edward A., 642 Stiver, Christian E., 629 Stoddard, Amos, 142, 143, 304 Stoddard County, 180, 295, 304, 525 Stoddard County Baptist Association, 478 "Stoddard County Eepublican, " 543 Stokes, Amzi L„ 'l023 Stokes, Charles E., 543 Stokes, John E., 963 Stokes. Robert W., 992 Stokes, R. W., 286, 308 Stokes, T. C, 286 Stokes, William C. 881 Stone, John H., 317 Storey. O. H., 639 Story. Joseph, 105, 107, 165 Stout. Ephraim, 80, 178 Stout, Thankful, 79 Strange, Tubal E., 192 Strange, T. E., 262, 529 Street, William, 167, 203 Stricklin, John W., 1210 Strother. Benjamin, 159 Stumpe, Frederick W., 681 Sturdivant; Robert, 256, 318 Subscription Schools. 398 Sugg, H. A., 856 Summers. Andrew, 79 Summers, John, 105 Summers, John C, 948 Sumpter, Bert, 818 ' ' Sunnyside, ' ' 541 Surroll," William, 195, 262 Sutherhind, George W., 1049 Swan, Clarence M., 729 Swashing Baptist Church, 476 Swearingen, William A., 963 Sweazea, Thomas J., 685 Swinger, Jacob M., 1178 Syenite Granite Company, 820 Syenite Presbyterian Church, 491 Tarkington, William W., 974 Tallniadge Amendment, 237 Tanner, Rueker, 206 Tanot, Pierre, 65 Tarlton, George W., 699 Tate, C. J., 468 Tatum Brothers, 285 Tatuni, James P.. 657 Tatum, Luther p., 933 Tatum. Luther P., 562 Tatum, Ira B., 934 Tatum, Richard M., 658 Taverns, 191 Tawney, John, 1101 Taylor, (Captain), 349 Taylor, Edward O., 1032 Taylor, John P., 308 Taylor, Lee, 349 Taylor, Lee J., 1000 Taylor, Luther, 270 Taylor, M. W., 476 Taylor Slough, xiv TaVlor Slough. 231, 307 Taylor, T., 400 Taylor, William R., 1097 Taylor, William T., 980 Tecumseh, 42 Templcton, James D.. 938 Templeton, William A., 943 Tennille, Benjamin, 162 Tenney, David, 208 Tenth ilissouri Cavalry, 346 Territorial Government of Louisiana — Governor and general assembly, 152; courts, 158 Territorial House, 152 Terrv, Philip S., 1025 Test Oath, 417 Tetweiler, S. G., 536 Thebes, 260 Theel, Levi, 65 Theilmann, Louis, 915 Thiele, Frederick, 858 Thilenius, Edward, 797 Thilenius, E. M., 902 Thilenius. G. C, 343, 501 Third Missouri Regiment, 343 Thirtieth Missouri Infantry, 345 Thirty-ninth Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia, 348 Thomas, Jesse B., 237 Thomas, John C, 288, 498 Thomas, John L., 867 Thomas, Judge, 170 Thomas, Richard S., 153, 154, 155, 238, 242, 300