Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/550

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490 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tically ceased for a time. Some of the ser- mons during that period were preached by the Rev. A. Miuison, of Apple Creek church. In 1868, the church was visited by Evange- list W. H. Parks, who served them as a sup- ply for several months. In 18C9 Rev. ]Ir. Drake became the pastor, but remained for only six months ; during his pastorate, how- ever, the church had a constant growth. In 1870 W. W. Faris was chosen as pastor ; from 1873 to 1875 the pastor was 0. W. Gause; from 1875 to 1880 T. C. Barret, one of the most active and energetic men ever connected with the church, was pastor; from 1881 to 1885 the pastor was J. "W. Roseberge ; from 1886 to 1888, Rev. E. G. Mathene; from 1899 to 1891, Lellwyn Hixmphreys: 1901-02, J. L. Allsworth. The church was without a pastor for some time and then called Rev. Robert S. Brown, who remained, however, for only a short pastorate; from 1905 to 1910, Rev. Adolphus Kistler was pastor; he was succeeded by Rev. E. P. Ab- bott, who resigned in 1911. The fifth church organized in the boiuids of Southeast Missouri was Potosi church, which was formed July 21, 1832, by Rev. Thomas Donnell. There were six members in the organization, and Henry Pease was the elder. In 1844 it had 49 members and in 1894, 85 members. Pleasant Hill church was formed by a group of members from the First Apple Creek church and was organized in April, 1841. It was first called South Apple Creek church, but the name was changed in September of the same year. In 1845 it afforded 75 mem- bers and in 1894 there were 90 members. Clark's Creek church was organized in 1842 by Rev. James M. Covington. In 1844 i^ had 15 members, in 1894, 52 members. The eighth church in Southeast JMissonri was organized at Jackson, February 7, 1843, by Rev. Robert G. Barret with seven mem- bers ; Dr. Franklin Cannon and James J. Gardiner were the elders of the church. In April, 1844, there were 11 members. During the war this church was disorganized, but was reconstituted May 15, 1864, by Rev. A. Mtmson. There were at this time eight mem- bers, and Charles Welling was the elder. In 1894 there were 95 members. Pleasant Hill church was formed by a col- ony from the First Apple Creek church and organized in April, 1841; it was at that time called the Soiith Apple Creek church, the name being afterward changed. The elders of the church were Ebenezer Flynn, E. W. Harris, E. L. Adams and Elam Harris. For a number of years after the Civil war this church was connected with the St. Louis Pres- bytery from which it was received into Po- losi Presbytery in April, 1893. In April, 1894, it had ninety members and four elders. During the period from 1850 to 1860 a very flourishing school was taught at Pleasant Hill. It was established by the Rev. Mr. Bid- ler, with Robert Caldwell as assistant. After one year. Professor Andrews assumed the management of the institution. He was suc- ceeded by J. G. Wells, who remained until the beginning of the war. It was through liis work that the school grew, as he was a very able and successful teacher. The pastors of South Apple Creek, or Pleasant Hill church, as it is known, were J. L. Frary, 1841 to 1843; D. E. Y. Rice, 1843 to 1851 ; A. Mimson, 1851 to 1865 ; James Stafford, 1865 to 1872 ; 0. W. Gauss, 1872-73 ; John Branch, ,1873-74; C. W. Alexander, 1874 to 1878; J. B. Rubey, 1878-79; P. B. Keach, 1879 to 1883; J. W. Roseborough, 1883. The New Madrid Presbyterian church was