Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/551

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HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 491 organized September 20, 1856, by Rev. L. P. Rowland. The members of the organization at that time were Thomas L. Fontaine, Cath- erine Davis, David Welschance, Elizabeth Welschance, Elizabeth Hatcher, Harriet Hatcher and Susan Duncan. At first the services were held in the Baptist church, but in 1875 a frame church building was erected. Among the pastors of the church were W. B. T. Wilkie, "William McCarty, Uncas McCluer, J. A. Graves, J. H. Rhea, Weisel Beale and J. L. Curtis. The Presbyterian church at Clarkton wa.s organized December 1, 1872, though there had been preaching there for many years be- fore that time. The church was formed by Rev. W. B. T. Wilkie and Rev. William Mc- Carty and Elder W. A. Ponder ; the members were Z. B. Penney, V. H. Harrison, elders; John II. Stokes, Chaiies E. Stokes, Clement McDaniel, Mrs. B. D. Austin and ilrs. Lucre- tia Stokes; the pastors of the church have been J. V. Wor.sham, Uncas McCluer, J. A. Graves, J. C. Buchanan and Weisel Beale. A church house was constructed in 1875 and dedicated April 3, 1882. The church at Kennett was organized in June, 1887, by Rev. J. W. Roseborough and Rev. W. Beale. There were 41 members of the original organization, the elders of the church being Thomas E. Baldwin, and D. Y. Pankey. In 1894 the church had 60 members. The Presbyterian church at Oak Ridge was organized October 31, 1884, by Rev. W. Beale and Rev. J. W. Roseborough. The mem- bers of the church were Oliver S. Harris and wife, Martha A. McNeely, Julia Hatcher, J. M. Bollinger, Elizabeth Bollinger, James C. and Mary A. Henderson; J. C. Henderson was also the elder of the church. In 1894 this church had 29 members. Watervalley church in WajTie county was organized in May, 1879, by Rev. George W. Ilarlan and Rev. John B. Rubey and Elder Samuel Black. There were 13 members orig- inally; John F. Miller was the elder. Syenite church was organized in Jime, 1885, by Rev. George W. Harlan and Rev. James A. Creighton and Elder George W. Williams with 36 members and four elders. Doe Run church was organized April 26, 1891, by Rev. A. W. Wilson and Rev. S. T. Ruffuer and Elder James McCormick, with ] 1 members ; Dr. F. L. Keith and S. G. Tem- pleton were elders. In 1894 the church had 15 members. The church at Bismarck was organized April 29, 1891, by Rev. J. W. Primrose with 13 members; Charles T. Martin and W. Scott Dent were the elders. In 1894 this church had 15 members. Irondale church was organized in August, 1869, by Rev. George W. Harlan and Rev. T. C. Barrett. There were 11 members in the organization and Robert Sloan and John A. McCormick were the elders. Sikeston church was organized in February, 1894, by Rev. Frank Mitchell, with 11 mem- bers, and B. L. Barnes and Thomas R. Brovn as elders. The church at Point Pleasant was organ- ized March 18, 1894, by Rev. J. D. Fleming, with 11 members; the elders of the organiza- tion were James S. Law and Henry Bishop. Northern Presbyterians When the synod of ilissouri divided in 1840 a call was issued for a gathei'ing of those members of the synod who afterwards came to be known as New School Presby- terians, this meeting was held in Hannibal, October 7, 1841, and arranged for a meeting of the synod in St. Louis on April 8, 1842.