Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/598

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538 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI The first paper in Pemiscot county was the Gayoso Democrat, established in 1871 by B. H. & T. S. Adams. For a time it was pub- lished at Cape Girardeau. In 1872 it became the property of W. S. Carleton and Maj. Geo. W. Carleton was made editor. It was pub- lished then at Gayoso. Its name was changed in 1875 to the Southeast Missouri Statesman. For a number of years it passed from hand to hand, coming back into the possession of Major Carleton, who continued it for many years. In 1879 it was again called The Demo- crat. In 1892 it was finally transferred to Caruthersville. Here it was published by a number of persons. In 1893 W. D. Schult became the editor. He was soon succeeded by 0. B. Gale. About 1897 Del Loggrear be- came connected with the paper and directed it for some years. The paper finally, in 1900, came into possession of W. R. Lacey, tinder ■(hose management it entered upon an era of prosperity. It is now published twice a week, has its own brick building, and well appointed office. It has always been a Democratic paper. When W. D. Schult gave up his control of The Democrat he established The Press. Later, Corridon Garrett became its editor, remaining in the position until about 1904. The Press was finally discontinued. Previous to his connection with The Press Garrett had conducted a paper called the Southern Scin^etar. The EepuUican is published in Caruthers- ville in Pemiscot county by Frank Abernathy. Mr. Abernathy is also the owner of the paper and has been since the first publication, August 12, 1910. It is the only Republican paper in Pemiscot county. Other Republican I>apers have been established from time to time, but have been unsuccessful. The pres- ent paper, however, has won its place and seems to be firmly established. The Pemiscot Argus was established at Caruthersville by the Argus Printing Com- panj^ a corporation. Its editor is Harvey E. Averill, and the paper is independent in politics and favors temperance. It is the suc- cessor of a paper established in 1898 at Hayti by C. S. York. From the time of its establishment until 1907 it was published at Hayti, being at various times forced to sus- pend publication. In the latter year it was removed to Caruthersville in charge of Amos Huffman. It suspended publication again in November, 1907, and in February, 1908, it came into the possesion of the present propri- etors and has been published continuously since that time. The Argus is a well edited End an influential journal. The first paper published in Hayti was started in 1897. It was called the Hayti Signal, but its publication was discontinued after a time. In 1898 another effort was made to establish a paper and this was called the Pemiscot Argus, which was afterward re- moved to Caruthersville, where it is still pub- lished. In October, 1908, Mr. York began the publication of a paper at Hayti under the name of Hayti Herald. It has continued since that time, being owned and edited by Mr. York and is Democratic in politics. The Southern Pemiscot Nexcs was e.stab- lished in Steele in the south part of Pemis- cot county in 1910 by G. Clarence Smith, who still continues its publication. The News is independent in politics and is devoted to the furtherance of the interests of Steele and surrounding country. The first paper published at Perryville was called The Union. This was formerly the Fredericktown Conservative, but was moved to Perryville in 1862 by "W. H. Booth, who continued the publication for twenty years.