Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/599

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 539 John B. Robiusou established the next paper in 1875, and called it The Forum. A year or two later he transferred it to a stock com- pany and in March, 1880, it was succeeded by the Perry County Sun, under the manage- ment of John B. Holmes. The owners of this paper subsequently purchased The Union and the combined papers were under the di- rection of John B. Davis. In 1886 the Perry- ville Chronicle was established by E. H. EUiff. The Sun passed from one control to another for several years. At one time it was pub- lished by S. Henry and Harry A. Smith, the former a veteran of the newspaper field in this section as editor. At the present time it is published by ZoelLuer & Zoellner. It is Democratic in politics and is well established in the esteem of a wide circle of readei's. The Perry Coiuity Eepuhlican was started at Perryville in 1889. It was a Republican paper published in opposition to The Sun. For a time it was edited by F. W. Hempler. At the present time The Bepublican is under control of A. V. & C. E. Cashiou and is an in- fluential sheet. Besides these two papers, which are still published, there have been other newspaper ventures in Perry count}'. The Democrat was established in 1898 and published for a time by the Democrat Publishing Company. An older paper was called The Chronicle and was published for a time by E. H. Elliff, be- ginning in 1886. The first paper in Ripley county was The Doniphan Prospect, established about 1874. It was followed at a later date by The News. These two were combined in 1883 as the Prospect-News. The editor of the combined papers for a time was R. E. Douglass. At the present time the Prospect-News is pub- lished by J. P. Campbell. Associated with him is J. P. Morrison. The paper is a weekly and is Democratic in politics. In 1895 Tlic Headlight was established It was conducted for a time by J. W. Presson In 1898 D. C. Cunningham began to publish a Democratic paper which he called The Hustler. The name was later changed to The Democrat, and it is still published by Mr. Cunningham. Both the Prospect-News and llie Democrat are weU conducted papers. It was December 8, 1905, that F. A. Vire began the publication of the Doniphan Repub- lican and has continued as its owner and publisher since that time and the paper owns a well equipped office and is installed in its own building. In 1910 Dr. M. M. Lane established the Naylor Nail at Naylor, Ripley county, and has continued its publication up to the pres- ent time. The Nail is Democratic in politics. Several other attempts had been made to establish a paper at Naylor. Mobley & Com- pany published The Advocate for a time in 1893. This was a Democratic paper. About 1905, J. E. Slattery began to publish a Repub- lican sheet called The Republican. Both were later discontinued. A Populist paper was published at Bar- field, Ripley county, for a time, beginning in 1895. Mobley & Lilley were the proprietors. On the collapse of the Populist movement in Missouri the paper was discontinued. The first paper established in Reynolds covmty was the Reynolds County Outlook. It began to be published in 1877 at Centreville and its publication has been continued to the present time. For a nwmber of years it was conducted by A. P. Shriver. It is now owned and edited by T. D. Shriver. The Outlook is Democratic in politics. The second paper in