Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/600

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540 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the county is The Headlight. Its editor and owner is W. S. Tussey. The Headlight is also a Democratic paper. The Ellington Press was established in 1906 at Ellington, Reynolds county. After some changes of ownership, The Press came into the charge of R. Daniels, who has con- tinued to be both editor and proprietor. iIr. Daniels was for a number of years a teacher and also a member of the state legislature. He is a Democrat and The Press sustains the policies of that party. In 1892 Dr. W. C. Bowles was publishing a paper in Centreville which was called The Reformer. It was discontinued in 1894, but revived again in 1898. He published it for a number of years, but it was finally discon- tinued. The first paper published at Farmington, St. Francois county, was the Southern Missouri Argus, which was established in April, 1860, by Nichol, Crowell and Shuck. Nichol was a native of Kentuckj-, Crowell was from Massa- chusetts, and Shuck a ilissourian. Their purpose in establishing The Argus was to support that ^viug of the Democratic party that favored the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas. In 1861 they sold the paper to Joseph Brad}', who called it The Missouri Argus, and published it until 1866, when he transferred it to his two sons, J. J. Brady, Jr., and S. B. Brady. After a few years they changed the name to the Farmington Herald and in 1872 they removed the paper to DeSoto. In 1871 Washington Hughes began the publication of The New Era at Liberty- ville in St. Francois county. He soon re- moved it to Farmington and continued its publication until 1876. He then sold it to George W. Herrington. who in a few years removed to Marble Hill. The Farmington Times was established in 1874 by C. E. Ware and I. H. Rodehaver. They published The Times imtil 1875, when R. H. Sylvester be- came editor of the paper in place of Mr. Ware. T. D. Fisher was made its editor in January, 1879, and in 1881 he purchased the entire in- terest in the paper and has been its owner and editor since that time. In ]March. 1886, I. H. Rodehaver began to a paper known as the St. Francois County Democrat. It was Democratic in politics, but in Novem- ber of that year it was .sold to John Hart- shorn, who published it in the interest of the Republican party. About 1903 Tlic Times was combined with The Herald under the name Times-Herald, and was published with this title for several years, but finally the old name was resumed. The Times is one of th» oldest and ablest papers in this part of the state. Mr. Fisher is an editor of unusual gifts as well as an able business man. The Herald, which was consolidated with The Times was established in 1892 by J. J. & S. H. Lews. It remained in their hands for some time, being edited for a while by C. R. Pratt. The Republican paper of Farmington for many years was The Ne^vs. This was issued for the first time in 1883 by T. P. Pigg. Mr. Pigg continued his connection with the paper for many years, but finally disposed of it to the present proprietors, the Farmington News Publishing Company. The editors of The News are Harry and Clint Denman. The News pursues a some- what different policy from most of the county papers, as it is a purely local paper and pub- lishes no news outside of St. Francois and adjoining counties. About 1903 R. M. Yost began to publish in Farmington a weekly Democratic paper called The Progress. He did not long con- tinue it, however. The Fannington Eagle