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about the half-dozen wives of the Mormon than about the half-dozen mistresses of the congressman. As Judge Roseborough, in a very able dictation to my stenographer, remarks: "When I came here I was a

consecrated; and from 12 to 24 sprigs of cassia, olive branches, cedar boughs, or other evergreens, are tastefully arranged about it. These are intendetl to represent tlic eternal life and unmingled bliss, which, in the celestial kingdom, will be enjoyed by all who continue in full fellowship.'. . .The candidate is stripped naked, blindfolded, and in this condition marched around t'.ic lodge- room, the most excellent Grand Master repeating: 'I will bring the blind by a way they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make darkness light beftn-e them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.' The candidate having knelt before the altar, the following oath is administered: 'In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, I now promise and swear, truly, faithfully, and without reserve, that I will serve the Loi-d with a perfect heart and a willing mind, dedicating myself, wholly and unreservedly, in my person and effects, to the upbuilding of his kingdom on earth, according to his revealed will. I furthermore promise and swear that I will regard the first president of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints as the supreme head of the church on earth, and obey him the same as the supreme God, in all written revela- tions, given under the solemnities of a "thus saith the Lord," and that I will always uphold the presidency, right or wrong. I furthermore promise and swear that I will never touch a daughter of Adam unless she is given Jne of the Lord. I furthermore promise and swear that no gentile shall ever be admitted to the secrets of this holy institution, or participate in its blessings. I furthermore promise and swear that I will assist the Daughter of Zion in the utter destruction of apostates, and that I will assist in setting up the Kingdom of Daniel in these last days, by the power of the highest and the sword of his might. I furthermore promise and swear that I will never com- municate the secrets of this degree to any person in the known world, except it be to a true and lawful brother, binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having melted lead poured into my ear. So help me God and keep rnc faithful.' Jlist. of the Saints, 215-6.

I have thousands of references to articles written and sermons preached on the doctrines of the church. The tabernacle and bowery sermons have been reported and publisiied in the Deseret News, from its first publication up to 18G0. Besides President Young, the prominent speakers were Parley P. Pratt, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, Lorenzo Snow, Heber C. Kimball, George A. Smith, John Taylor, Franklin D. Richards, David Fullmer, J. W. Cum- mings, John Young, Wilford Woodruff, John D. McAUistei', Joseph Young, Daniel H. Wells, Cyrus H. Wheelock, Robert T. Burton, Jacob Gates, Charles H. Bassett, and many others. For duties of bishops, see Dexeret Neicx, 1850, Aug. 10; patriarchal notice, Sept. 21; revelation, Dec. 28; 18.j1, for religious questions and answers, Jan. 11; minutes special conference of seventies, Jan. 25; appcl. presidency and apostolate, Mar. 8; min. gen. con., 19; Patriarch .Smith's letter to the saints throughout the world, and letter from P. P. Pratt to Brigham Young, Nov. 29; letter from Thos Bullock, president of seventies, Dec. 27; 1852, letter from O. Jones to Pres. Young, Jan. 10; offices in church, authority explained, Jan. 24; signs of the times, and advice to the saints, Feb. 7; disc, by Brigham, Feb. 9; letter. Patriarch Smith, Feb. 20; opinions about Mormonism (from Harper's Mar/.), Feb. 21; min. con. new tabernacle, Apr. 17; Mormon question {N. Y. Trib- U7ie and Herald), May 1; letter of defence (in N. Y. Herald), May 15; reflections, 0. Pratt, June 26; disc, by Kimball, Aug. 15; gen. funeral ser- mon by O. Pratt, Aug. 21; Brigham on apostles, Nr irs cxtni, p. 25; remarks by Taylor and Kimball, Sept. 4; speech by Kimball, Sept. 14; special con.,