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democrat. They pretended to be democrats, but I found them such democrats as hell is full of. They are neither democrats nor republicans. I did not care about matters of belief, if they were American citizens.

Sept. 18; disc, by Brigham, Oct. 2; min. gen. con., Oct. 16 and Nov. 6; epis- tle by Young, Oct. IG; the Mormons tlie Mahometans of 19th cent. (iV. Y. Herald), Nov. 2; remarks, Young, Aug. 26, Nov. 6; 1853, sermon by P. P. Pratt, Jan. 19; address by Taylor, Jan. 19; disc, by Benson, Feb. 1; sermon, Pratt, Mar. 2; Brigliam and Pratt, address, Apr. 2; Brigham, disc, Apr. 13; miu. gen. con., Apr. 16, 30; epistle pres., rept quorum seventies, Apr. 16; ad., lljdc. May 14; ad., Brigham, May 14; disc, Brigham, July 6 and 20; speech, Hyde, July 30; disc, Brigham, Aug. 24, 31, and Oct. 1; min. gen. con., Oct. 15 and 29; ep. pres., Oct. 15; disc, Brigham, Sept. 7; ad., H. Kim- ball, Nov. 12; ad., tabernacle, Nov. 24; Mormon vs gentile, Nov. 24; ad., Brigham, Dec 8; Mormonism, Dec. 8; sermon, Taylor, Dec. 22; 1854, disc, H. Kimball, Jan. 4; Smith, Jan. 18; reg. dialogue, and art. on restitution, Jan. 12; bible and Mormonism, Jan. 19; repts of quorums of seventies, Mar. 2, Apr. 13, Apr. 27; gen. epis., Apr. 13; gen. confer., Apr. 13; address, Hyde, Apr. 27; disc, Pratt, Apr. 27; address, Kimball, Apr. 27; disc, Taylor, May 1 1 ; Brigham, May 1 1 ; Smith, May 1 1 ; Grant, June 8; Brigham, July 27; Grant, July 27; Brigham, Aug. 3; Kimball, Aug. 17; epis. pres., Sept. 14; disc, Kim- ball, Sept. 14; a Mormon leader (from Sem. Wy. Jour., Tex.), Sept. 21; disc, Grant, Sept. 21; epis. against litigation, Sept. 21; remarks. Grant, Sept. 28; disc, Kimball, Sept. 28; Hyde, Oct. 5, Oct. 19; Kimball, Oct. 19; Benson, Oct. 19; Smith, Oct. 26; Pratt, Oct. 26; Brigham, Oct. 26; Hyde. Nov. 9; Grant. Nov. 23; Kimball, Nov. 23; Pratt, Nov. 30; Grant, Dec 7; Kimball, Dec. 14; Pratt, Dec. 21; local recog. of Morm. (from Democracy), Dec. 21; disc, Pratt, Dec. 28; 1855, Grant, Jan. 25; testimony, Kimball, Jan. 25; disc, Brigham, Feb. 8; rept of 27 quor., Jan. 11: disc, on prophecies, Pratt, Feb. 22; jMorm. worldliness, etc., Harrison; address, Brigham, Mar. 1; belief in superiority, Hyde, Mar. 14; sermon. Woodruff, Mar. 21; Hyde, Mar. 28; Smith, Apr. 4; testimony, faith, and confidence; gen. confer., Apr. 11 ; sermon. Grant, Apr. 11; gen. epist. , Apr. 25; disc, Brigham, Apr. 25, May 9; remarks, Pratt, May 2; ciders' corrcsp., May 16; disc, Pratt, May 16; on inspection, Brigham, May 23; ciders' corrcsp., May 23, May 30; remarks, Brigham, June 6; disc, Brigham, June 20; the word of wisdom (in Doctrines and VoL-enant>>), June 27; sermon, Smith, July 11; Morm., July 18; disc, Brigham, July IS; lecture, Grant, July 25; disc, Brigham, Aug. 1; Smith, Aug. 22; Benson, Aug. 22; Smith, Aug. 29; comments (N. Y. Papers), Sept. 12; remarks, Benson, Sept. 12; disc, Pratt, Sept. 12; remarks, Pratt, Sept. 19; disc, Brigham, Sept. 26; Smith, Oct. 10; gen. confer., Oct. 10; disc, Oct. 10; bowery meeting, Oct. 17; confer., Oct. 17, 24; tabernacle meeting, Oct. 24, 31; gen. epis., Oct. 31; ser- mon, Brigham, Oct. 31; to the truth-loving, Nov. 7; disc, Nov. 7; remarks. Grant, Nov. 7; tabernacle meeting, Nov. 7; remarks, Kimball, Nov. 7; ser- mon, Ijrigham, Nov. 21; disc, Kimball, Dec. 4; Pratt, Dec. 12, 19; Lyman, Dec. 19, 26; 1856, disc, Lyman, Jan. 2; Pratt, Jan. 30; Kimball, Feb. 6; Brig- ham, Feb. 6; Grant, Feb. 6; Lyman, Feb. 20; Brigham, Feb. 27: remarks, Kimball, Mar. 5; Brigliam, Mar. 5, 12; epis. to high priest's quorum. Mar. 12; disc, Kimball, Mar. 12; remarks. Grant, Mar. 12; fair weather disc. Mar. 12; disc, Wells, Mar. 19; Kimball, Mar. 19; Brigham, Mar. 26; Vernon, Mar. 26; remarks, Brigham, Mar. 26; disc. Grant, Apr. 2; Brigham, Apr. 2; Kimball, Apr. 2; gen. confer., Apr. 9; disc. ; Kimball, Apr. 9; sacrifice, Apr. 9; disc. , Smith, Apr. 16; obedience, Apr. 23; disc, Pratt, Apr. 23; Brigham, Apr. 30; Pratt, May 14; the world and the saints, May 28; remarks, Brigham, June IS; disc, Brigham, June 25; counsel, July 9; obedience, July 16; disc, Pratt, July 16; Kimbt.ll, Aug. 20; sermon, Brigham, Aug. 27; confer, at Kayvillc. Sept. 24; disc, Piatt, Sept. 24; sermon, Brigham, Sept. 27; disc, Grant, Sept. 27; disc.