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History of Woman Suffrage.

Shuman, Andrew, iii, 561.

Silk Culture, iii, 762.

Simpson, Bishop, favors woman suffrage, iii, 460, 616.

Sixteenth Amendment, ii, 333, 350, 351, 352, 353, 400, 420, 422, 425, 436; iii, 112.

Sixteenth Amendment, reasons for a, iii, 235.

Sixteenth Amendment, renewed appeal, iii, 58 — press comments, iii, 67.

Sketches, see Biography.

Slave law, fugitive, Pennsylvania, i, 328.

Slavery, Angelina Grimké's speech, i, 334 — (see, also, Anti-Slavery).

Slavery sustained by the North, ii, 542.

Slavery and the war, ii, 77.

Slavonic countries, iii, 915.

Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, iii, 117, 128, 328, 826 — Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, at the, i, 253 — speech at Syracuse Convention, i, 522 — Worcester Convention, at, i, 231.

Smith Gerrit, home of, i, 471 — letter to Susan B. Anthony, i, 497; ii, 317, 538, 941; Wm. Lloyd Garrison, i, 223, 620; St. Louis Convention, ii, 825; Elizabeth Cady Stanton, i, 708, 836 — speech at Syracuse National Convention, i, 526 — petition for woman suffrage, refused to sign, ii, 317.

Smith, Mrs. Gerrit, petition, ii, 98.

Smith, Hannah Whitehall, speech at Philadelphia Convention, iii, 230.

Smith, Julia and Abby, iii, 76, 98, 328, 336.

Smith, Sidney, iii, 834.

Snow, Lucy and Lavinia, iii, 365.

Social relations, Channing's report, i, 233.

Sojourner Truth, i, 115, 567; ii, 193, 222, 224, 926; iii, 458, 531.

Soldiers, women as, ii, 1 — 8, 869.

Somerville, Mary, i, 790 — letter to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 440.

Song, "A Hundred Years Hence," iii, 38.

Song, "Kansas Suffrage," ii, 934.

Sorosis, iii, 402, 571.

South, what the, can do, ii, 929.

South Carolina, iii, 828.

Southwick, Thankful, i, 341.

Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., iii, 813.

Spain, iii, 901.

Spencer, Herbert, i, 26.

Spencer, Sarah Andrews, iii, 35, 66, 97, 103 — argument before House Committee, iii, 166 — before Senate Judiciary Committee, ii, 543 — before D. C. Committee, iii, 12 — delegate Rep. Nat. Convention, iii, 26 — resolutions, iii, 152 — speeches, ii, 539 — suit, ii, 587 — Chief-Justice Cartter's opinion, ii, 597.

Spider-crab, Theodore Tilton, ii, 93.

Sprague, Homer B., ii, 425.

Stanford, Leland, iii, 764.

Stansfeld, M. P., James, iii, 872 — speech, in, 886.

Stanton, Edwin M., and Mrs. J. S. Griffing, ii, 33.

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, i, 61, 67, 79; ii, 322, 360, 361, 381, 382, 383, 391, 417, 418, 428, 430, 456, 582; iii, 7, 35, 40, 195, 222, 529, 560, 630, 644, 811 — Abolitionists, and the, ii, 264 — address to New York Legislature, i, 595 — appeal to women of New York State, i, 676 — appeal to women of the Republic, ii, 51 — appeal for Woman's Rights, i, 858 — argument before Senate committee, iii, 228 — "Bloomer," in a, i, 128 — California visit, iii, 756 — call, loyal women, ii, 53 — candidate for Congress, ii. 180 — children i, 457 — civil rights bill for women, ii, 541 — "copperheads," ii, 320 — divorce for drunkenness, argument, i, 485 — editorial correspondence in The Revolution, ii, 362, 367 — eulogy: Lucretia Mott, i, 407 — Equal Rights Association, ii, 173, 174 — eternal punishment, on, iii, 1961 — Fifteenth Amendment, on the, ii, 333 — girls and boys at school, on, ii, 541 — Grant and Wilson campaign, in, ii, 520 — Greeley, Horace, and, ii, 287 — Hurlbut, Judge, i, 39 — Kansas campaign, i, 200; ii, 253, 254, 261, 262, 263 — lecture, "Education of Girls," iii, 536 — lectures in Omaha, iii, 675 — lecturing tour, Ohio, iii, 491 — Letters: to Akron, O., Convention, i, 815; to The Ballot Box, iii, 64; to Cooper Institute Convention, i, 860; to Gerrit Smith, i, 839; to Gen. Hawley, iii. 28; to Horace Greeley, i, 735; to the National Citizen, iii, 147; to Omaha convention, iii, 244; to Salem, O., convention, i, 810: to Syracuse convention i, 848; to Washington convention, iii, 261 — London visit, 1882-3, iii, 922 — "male" in the constitution, on the word, ii, 91 — suffrage, on, iii, 566 — marriage and divorce, on, i, 716, 738 — Michigan campaign iii, 521 — "Negro's hour," ii, 94 — Newport Con., ii,4O3 — Oregon, Mo., visit, iii, 609 — portrait, i, 721 — President Albany convention, i, 592 — President Loyal League, made, ii, 66 — press comments on Rochester and Seneca Falls conventions, her reply to, i, 806 — reception, Sorosis, Chicago, iii, 571 — reconstruction, on, ii, 214 — Reminiscences: i, 456, 836; iii, 922; of Angelina Grimké, i, 392; of Paulina Wright Davis, i, 283 — resolutions before Congress affecting women, on, ii, 92 — resolutions, Washington convention, ii, 542 — sermon, St. Louis, iii, 148 — Sixteenth Amendment, urges a, ii, 350 — Smith, Gerrit, refusing to sign petition for Woman suffrage, on, ii, 317 — Speeches: Cooper Institute, i, 716; Congressional committee, before, ii, 411; Furness' Church, in, iii, 35: Legislature, claiming woman's rights, ii, 271; Milwaukee, iii, 641; National protection for National citizens, iii, 80; New York Legislature, i, 679; New York National convention, ii, 154; Rochester Convention, ii, 117; Rochester Temperance Convention, i, 481, 493; Senate Judiciary Committee, before, ii, 506; suffrage, question of, ii, 185; Washington Convention, ii, 495; Washington Nat. Convention, ii, 348; Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 87 — testimonial ii, 533 — Train, G. F., and The Revolution, criticism, ii, 264 — tribute from Leavenworth Commercial (Kansas), ii, 263 — view of, an objective, i, 456 — Wadleigh, Senator, on, iii, 93 — western trip, ii, 367 — Wyoming visit, iii, 734.