Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 3.djvu/1104

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Stanton Harriot, letter to Nebraska voters, iii, 247, 933.

Stanton, Theodore, iii, 262, 895 — 928.

Starrett, Helen Ekin, reminiscences Kansas campaign, ii, 250, 348.

Stearns, O. P., iii, 528.

Stearns, Sarah Burger, iii, 527, 649.

Stebbins, Catharine A. F., ii, 26, 514before House committee, iii, 162 — letter to Lucretia Mott, iii, 47 — vote, attempts to, iii. 523.

Steck, Amos, iii, 714.

Steele, William, iii, 319.

Stephens, Alexander H., reception, iii, 98, 830.

Stevens, Louisa B., iii, 633.

Stevens, Thaddeus, ii, 354, 632.

Stevenson, Emily Pitts, iii, 752.

Stevenson, Sarah Hackett, iii, 579.

Stewart's Home for Working Women, iii, 420.

Stewart, Senator, on the Pembina Territory bill, ii, 548, 558.559, 564, 573, 579.

Stone, Dr. James A. B., address at St. Louis, ii, 821; ii, 525.

Stone, Lucy, i, 473, 619, 626; ii, 56; iii, 268, 279. 513. 722, 724, 818 — Constitutional Convention at Albany, ii, 284 — husband, and her, i, 164 — husband's name, refusing to take her, i, 261 — Kansas, in, i, 200 — Kansas campaign, in, ii, 232 — letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 237, 919 — — letter to Salem, O., Convention, i, 813 — letters to E. Cady Stanton, ii, 231 — letter to The Una, i, 501 — marriage of, under protest, i, 200 — meetings held in New Jersey. iii, 479 — petitions, iii, 104 — National Convention, Broadway Tabernacle, i, 631 — Philadelphia National Convention, at, i, 375 — portrait, ii, 761 — report, American Woman Suffrage Association, ii, 803 — — scripture, on, i, 650 — speeches: Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 554, 565,632; American Woman Suffrage Association meeting in Cooper Institute, ii, 829; in Steinway Hall. ii, 811; in Detroit, ü, 837: in St. Louis, ir, 823, 827: in Washington, ii, 858; Cincinnati; i, 165; Cleveland, i, 163; Concord, iii, 271; Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 64; Worcester, i, 233 — — suffrage, negro, first, on, ii, 383 — — Syracuse National Convention, i, 524 — — taxes, refused to pay, i, 450.

Story. Judge, on the Constitution, ii, 477, 478, 588.

Strahan, Robert H., iii, 417.

Strong, Rev. A. H., ii, 155 — on subordination of women, i, 787.

Stuart, Abby H. H., iii, 787.

Stuart, Mary A., ii, 158, 817.

Studwell, Edwin A., ii, 398.

Suffbage Gained: Full suffrage, Isle of Man, iii, 870, 982; Utah Territory, ii, 426,432; Washington Territory, iii, 777: Wyoming Territory, ii, 426, 432; iii, 730.

Suffrage Gained: Municipal suffrage: Canada, iii, 832, England, iii. 845; Madras, iii, 983; Scotland, iii, 871, 983.

Suffrage Gained; School suffrage: Canada, iii, 831; Colorado, iii, 718; Dakota, iii, 633; England, ii, 850; Kansas, i, 185, iii, 701, 710; Kentucky, i, 869, iii, 821; Massachusetts, iii, 288; Michigan, iii, 515, 530; Minnesota, ili, 652, 653.654; Nebraska, iii, 675; New Hampshire, iii, 375, 376; New York, iii, 424; Oregon, iii, 775: Scotland, iii, 851: Vermont, i, 171, iii, 304.

Suits (see Trials).

Sumner, Charles, ii, 35, 81. 168, 169 — ballot, on the, ii, 95 — equal rights to all, ii, 322 — — Fourteenth Amendment, opposed, ii, 323 — — voted for, ii, 324 — letter, Woman's National Loyal League anniversary, ii, 86 — "male," and the word, ii, 91 — petition, presents, under protest, ii, 96 — petitions, asks for, ii, 93 — rebuked by Senator Cowan, ii. 113 — speech in U. S. Senate on presentation of petition of the Woman's Nat. League, ii, 78 — Taxation without Representation, on, ii, 114.

Sunday school teachings, i. 786.

Sunderland Gage controversy, i. 543.

Sunderland, Mrs. H. E., iii, 564,

Sutherland, Julia K., iii, 6. (313.

Swank, Emma B., i, 307 — sketch of, i,

Sweet, Ada, pension agent, iii, 6.

Swisshelm, Jane Grey, i, 386; iii, 650, 813 — Saturday Visitor, i. 46 — letter, "Borders of Monkeydom," i, 809 — speech, Washington Convention, ii, 61.

Switzerland, iii, 909, 911.