Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 3.djvu/1106

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Vest, Senator, on woman suffrage, iii, 199, 203.

Vice, legalization of, i, 795, 796; iii, 145, 397.

Vicksburg, naval attack on, ii, 11.

Virginia, iii, 823 — — Woman Suffrage Association, iii, 823.

Voltaire, i, 658.

Voris, A. C., ii, 837.

Vote, first woman to cast a, ii, 586 — first woman to claim the right, iii, 815 — Mrs. Cage attempted to, iii, 406 — woman earned her right to, ii, 89 — in Scotland, iii, 871 — reports of voting in New York. iii 429 — voted with Miss Anthony, list of, ii, 647 — voted in New Jersey, i, 448; iii, 476 — voting in 1776, i, 33 — persons entitled to, ii, 272.

Voted, 1867, Lily Maxwell, iii, 981.

Voters, qualification of, T. W. Higginson's speech, i, 29.


Wade, Benjamin, F., ii, 9 — letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 117; J. S. Griffing, ii, 34 — speech. ii, 123 — remarks to Anna Ella Carroll, ii, 9 — letters to Miss Carroll, ii, 866, 867.

Wadsworth, L, A., iii, 352.

Wait, Anna C., iii, 696, 709.

Waite, Catharine V., ii, 601; iii, 571.

Waite, Chas. B., iii, 569.

Waite, Jessie T., argument before House committee, iii, 161 — — report of National Convention, iii, 254 — 260.

Waite, M. R., iii, 505 — Supreme Court opinion, ii, 734 — 742.

Waldo, Peter, ii, 27.

Walker, Dr. Mary, ii, 20, 813; iii, 103.

Wall, Sarah E., ii, 636; iii, 310.

Wallace, W. D., iii, 540, 966.

Wallace, Zerelda G., iii, 536 — 7. 539 — 40,

551 — argument before Senate com. . iii,

155 — letter to S. B. Anthony, iii, 257.

Walling, Mrs. M. C., speech in U.S. Senate, ii, 327.

Walter, Cornelia, iii, 303.

War, woman's patriotism in, ii, 1, 863; iii, 596, 631.

Warn Kate, iii, 398.

Warner, Esther L., iii, 693.

Warren, Mercy, Otis, i, 31; ii, 201.

Washington Conventions (see Conventions) — (see also District of Columbia).

Washington Evening Star, iii, 97.

Washington Sunday Chronicle, ii, 599.

Washington, George, letter to ladies of Trenton, N. J., i, 447.

Washington Territory, iii, 786 — women enfranchised, ii, 776.

Watterson, Henry, ii, 861, 862; iii, 182.

Wattles, John O., i, 189.

Wattles, Susan F., ii, 255; iii, 697.

Way, Amanda M., iii, 533 — legislative hearing, üi, 539 — reminiscences. i, 306 — sketch of, i, 311.

Weber, Helene Marie, i, 41 — letter to M. A. Spofford, i, 825.

Webster, Rev. D. L., i, 114.

Webster, Sarah E., suit, ii, 587 — Chief-Justice Cartter's opinion, i, 597.

Weed, Thurlow, i, 720.

Weld, Angelina Grimké, on organizations, i, 540 — speech, Loyal Women's Convention, ii, 54 — speech, Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 60; iii, 282.

Weld, Theodore, i, 392.

Wells, Charlotte Fowler, i, 45; ii, 435.

Wendt, Mathilda F., iii, 405.

Wendte, W. C., ii, 855.

Wenthworth, Elizabeth R., iii, 643.

Wesley. John, on witchcraft, i, 765.

Wesley, Susannah, i, 790.

Weston, Hannah and Rebecca, i, 203.

West Virginia, iii, 824.

Wheatly, Phillis, colored, i, 205.

Wheeler, L. May, iii, 659.

Whipple, E. P., views of George Eliot, i, 791.

White Andrew D., iii, 398, 528.

White, Bessie Heagen, pharmacy, iii, 820.

White, Laura R., architect, iii, 820.

White, Richard Grant, on the word "citizen," ii, 567.

Whitehead, Wm. A., paper on woman suffrage, i, 447.

Whiting Lilian, iii, 303.

Whiting, N. H., i, 861.

Whitman, Sarah Helen, ii, 433.

Whittier, John G., i, 83; iii, 520,

Wife ownership, i. 772.

Wigham, Eliza, iii, 852.

Wilbour, Charlotte B., iii, 396 — organized Sorosis, iii, 403 — President New York City Society, iii, 405 — remarks at Washington Convention, ii, 421, 424 — Corresponding Secretary Loyal League, ii, 80.

Wilbur, Hervey Backus, iii, 421.

Wilcox, Hamilton, ii. 346; iii, 441, 959.

Wildnan, John R., iii, 457.

Willard, Emma, i. 36.[660.

Willard, Frances E., iii, 104. 578. 587.

Willard, Judge John, i. 750.

Will of Bridget Smith, i, 563.

Williams, George, iii, 774.

Williams, Nellie, i. 48.

Williams, Sarah Langdon, iii. 503 — The Ballot Box, iii, 51.

Williams, Senator, ii, 108.

Willing, Mrs. J. F., ii, 368.

Willis (see Olympia Brown).

Wilson, Elizabeth, i, 103.

Wilson, Hannah, iii, 697.

Wilson, Henry, ii, 113, 128, 322, 390; iii, 267.

Winchell, Charlotte, S., career of, iii, 693

Wisconsin, i, 178, 290; i, 638 — Conventions (see Conventions) legislation, iii, 638 — Shole's report, i, 315 — report of David Noggle, i, 867 — married women, rights of, iii, 638 — Milwaukee Female College, iii, 643 — State Association, iii, 645 — State University, iii, 643 — statutes, modification of, iii, 639 — suffrage amendment, iii, 644 — temperance question, iii, 645 — women as lawyers, iii, 648 — voters, iii, 640.