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History of Woman Suffrage.

Wise, Mary E., ii, 869.

Witchcraft, i, 759, 764, 765, 706, 767, 768, 769.

Wives in Russia, i, 773.

Wives, sale of, i, 792.

Wizards, i, 766.

Wolcott, Laura Ross, graduated medical college i, 389 — organized Wisconsin State Society, ii, 374 — sketch of, iii, 638 — National Convention, Milwaukee, iii, 184.

Wollstonecraft, Mary, eulogy of, i, 126-7 — "Rights of Women," i, 34.

Wollstenholme, Mrs. Almy, with Mrs. Jacob Bright, iii, 893.

Woman, advice of men, warned against, ii, 268 — Anglo Saxon laws, i, 863 — army, in the, i, 290 — bar, admissions to, iii, 307, 355 — British Parliament, in, i, 30 — census enumerators, first appointments, iii, 174 — church poll, at the, i, 781 — civil service, in, iii, 306 — clinical instruction, Pennsylvania University, iii, 448 — coeducation, statistics, iii, 496 — colleges, and the, ii, 541 — colleges, in, i, 144, iii, 6 — college in Evanston, Illinois, iii, 578 — congress organized in New York, iii, 411 — degradation of, i, 791, 794 — emancipation, i, 29 — employment of, in insane asylums, iii, 421 — employments, varied capacity for, iii, 406, 572 — excluded as delegates, Antislavery Convention, London, i, 60 — chronological table of successive steps in England, iii, 980 — history of, in three pictures; under Hindoo laws, i, 863: under Anglo Saxon laws, i, 863, 864; under Signs of the Times, i, 865, 866 — illiteracy of, iii, 372 — inventions by, iii, 632 — jury, on, iii, 731; list of the first grand, iii, 738 — Kansas, of, i, 642 — labor performed in Christian countries, i, 792 — laborer, unpaid, i, 28 — legal disabilities, removed of, iii, 893 — legal rights, i, 107 — list of names of friends in California, iii, 977-80; list of names of friends in Minnesota, iii, 973-80 — Loyal League, ii, 3; address to Abraham Lincoln, ii, 67; anniversary of, ii, 80; letters in response to a call for a meeting, ii, 875; petition, ii, 78; platform, ii, 891; press comments, ii, 893; resolutions, ii, 84; secretary's report, ii, 80 — married, act relative to rights of, i, 618 — married, laws regarding, iii, 291 — married, and their legal status, ii, 642 — married, property rights of, iii, 325 — marry, will the coming, iii, 723 — national protection, claim, ii, 531 — naval heroines, ii, 21 — official position, first appointed to, in New York, iii, 417 — Ohio, protest against enfranchisement, iii, 494 — outrages, 1880, in Ireland, i, 794 — pharmacy, 379, 820, 980 — physician, first, i, 260 — physicians in insane asylums, as, iii, 473 — politics, in, ii, 277, 304 — preachers, as, i, 784 — professions, in the, iii, 706 — property rights, i, 38, 64, 146, 256, 296, 770 — property rights granted, iii, 438 — public affairs, why meddle in, i, 109 — revolution, in the, i, 31, 201, 321, 444 — Roman law, under i, 754 — school of design, Philadelphia, i, 390 — school boards, on, iii, 892, 981 — school officers, bill passed New York Legislature, iii, 417; vetoed by Gov. Robinson, iii, 418 — school officers, made so in Illinois, iii, 575 — science and literature, degraded in, i, 790 — sermon to, Rev. Knox Little's, i, 782 — Sin, Original, i, 756 — slaves, legislated for as, i, 772 — social evolution of, iii, 226 — social relations, i, 233 — sold with cattle in Pennsylvania, iii, 445 — soldiers, as, ii, 18, 889 — sphere, i, 76, 93, 148, 265, 317, 522, 660, 662, 694, 713, 716; ii, 62, 163, 779 — spy, anecdote, i, 323 — subordination, i, 780; Evarts in the Beecher Tilton trial upon, i, 789; sermon by Rev. A. H. Strong, i, 737 — Supreme Court opened to, iii, 138; Senator Hoar's speech, ii, 139 — torture of, i, 26, 766, 768 — type setters, i, 535 — wardens, iii, 893 — work, statistics, i, 267 — work done by, iii, 54 — work and wages, i, 78, 589 — working, of Boston, ii, 389 — working, seats in shops, iii, 433.

Woman Suffrage, (see Suffrage Gained); appeals, i, 588, 856, 858; ii, 168, 247, 364 — arguments in favor of, ii, 349 — Bible argument, ii, 374; Bible, and the, i, 380, 535 — complaints, 1869, the, ii, 323 — debate between Anna Dickinson and R. L. Collier, iii, 567 — Democratic National Convention, letters and delegates, iii, 22 — discussion at Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 59 — England, Gen. Butler's report in, ii, 465, 466, 467 — essay, in Westminster Review, i, 225 — Equal Rights Association organized, ii, 173 — Fifth Avenue conference, ii, 427 — Kansas, report of Judiciary Franchise Committee, i, 194 — National Association organized. ii, 400; address to President Hayes, iii, 129: appeal, Mrs. Hooker's, to women of the United States, ii, 485; appeal to women, Grant and Wilson Presidential campaign, ii, 517; Congressional Committee grant hearings, iii, 75; constitution and officers, ii, 401, iii, 955-6; letter to Berlin Congress, ii, 404; delegates to Berlin, ii, 406 — New York and Boston wings, ii, 406 — New York City society, iii, 405 — opponents, iii, 570 — organ, need of an, i, 378 — periods, most trying, ii, 319 — petitions in many States, one year's work, i, 869 — power of legislature to extend suffrage, iii, 959-6 — presidential suffrage iii, 966 — principles, mode of disseminating, i, 379 — progress made, ii, 905 — "Fair Play." from Rev. Wm. H. Channing, i, 611 — Second Decade celebration, ii, 427 — Third Decade Celebration, iii, 117 — subscriptions, ii, 923 — sympathizers, celebrated, iii, 233.