Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 3.djvu/1108

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Woman's Journal, Lucy Stone editor, ii, 819, 820; iii, 268, 274, 297, 388.

“Woman's Kingdom", Chicago Inter-Ocean, Mrs. Harbert, editor, iii, 583.

Women's Review, English, Caroline Ashurst Biggs, editor, iii, 120, 970.

Women's Suffrage. Journal, Lydia E. Becker, editor, iii, 850, 852, 880, 981.

Woman's Tribune, Mrs. Colby, editor, iii, 695.

Wood, Bradford R., i, 500.

Wood, Rev. Jeremiah, i, 690.

Wood, S. N., i, 200 — Kansas campaign, ii, 230, 232, 233, 234, 236, 250, 251, 252, 254.

Woodall, William, iii, 877.

Woodhull, Victoria C., memorial to Congress, ii, 443 — memorial supported in a speech by A. G. Riddle, ii, 448 — memorial, House majority report, iii, 461 — memorial, House minority report, ii, 464 — speech before Judiciary Committee, House of Representatives, ii, 444.

Woolson, Abba G., ii, 832.

Wooster, Wilder M., iii, 691.

Worden, Mrs., i, 462.

Wright, Elizur, letter to Paulina W.Davis, i, 217.

Wright, Frances, i, 44, 52 — editor, Free Enquirer, i, 296 — Owen, Robert Dale, and, i, 293 — portrait, i, 1 — sketch of, i. 35 — tribute, ii, 429: tribute, Mrs. Rose's, i, 692.[310.

Wright, Henry C., letter to Garrison, i,

Wright, Martha C., i, 67, 69, 376, 429, 462, 519, 522, 535. 744 — May Anniversary, ii, 545 — President Cincinnati Convention, made, i, 163 — President N. Y. State Society, i, 623: presided, 628-31 — thanks Rev, Sam'l Longfellow i, 716 — portrait, i, 640 — Equal Rights Association, on the, ii, 175 — letter to Pillsbury. ii, 240 — speech at Cooper Institute Convention, i, 689 — tribute, ii, 582-3.

Wyoming, iii,726 — act to protect property rights of married women, iii, 728 — election, first, iii, 729 — election under woman suffrage, first, iii, 738 — jury, women on, iii, 731; list of the first grand, iii, 738 — press, iii, 745 — school law, iii, 728 — Sunday laws enforced, iii, 734 — suffrage bill signed by Gov. Campbell, iii, 731 — territory organized, iii, 729 — women granted citizenship, iii, 726 — woman suffrage act. Legislature votes to repeal, iii, 741; bill vetoed, iii, 741 — woman suffrage respected, iii, 744.


Yocum, A. P., iii, 691.

Yount, A. K., iii, 718.