Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/809

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  • Bowen, Mrs. Joseph T, 341-2; shows need for women police, Judges and jurors, 705.
  • Bowne, Prof. Borden P, 280.
  • Boyd, Mary Sumner, report of natl. Research Bureau, 443; same, 494; 531; invaluable service, 571; 690.
  • Boyer, Ida Porter, 62; 77; tells of lax system in libraries, 94; 110; makes bibliog. of wom. suff, 130; sent to help Ore. campaign, 163; 208; 210; rept. on libraries, 236; 261; 395; at Anthony celebr, 615; ed. New Southern Citizen, 672.
  • Brackenridge, Eleanor, 328.
  • Bradford, Mary C. C, presents gavel to Mrs. Catt, 6; 20; effect of wom. suff. in Colo, 102, 112; 208; on Congressl. Com, 411; pres. Natl. Educ. Assn, dele. natl. suff, conv, 515; same, St. Supt. of Educ, 517.
  • Braly, J. H, 238; tells of Calif. victory and work of Polit. Equal. League, presents State flag to Natl. Assn, 317 — 319.
  • Brandegee, U. S. Sen. Frank B, 638; 645.
  • Brannan, Mrs. John Winters, 675.
  • Breckinridge, Desha, 329.
  • Breckinridge, Mrs. Desha, on Prospect of Woman Suffrage in the South; Dem. party may secure it; would insure preponderance of Anglo-Saxon over the African, 330; on. com. to ask Pres. Wilson for interview on wom. suff, 374; 381; at hearing bef. Com. on Rules, shows right of southern women to ask for Fed. Amend, 387; women's part in war justifies their demand, 410; on Congressl. Com, 411; suggests special campn. com, its members, 418-19-20; 425; speaks at Anthony celebr, 615.
  • Breckinridge, Prof. Sophonisba, need of Munic. suff. for women, 195; all classes need ballot, 226; 229; addresses natl. suff. conv, 322; elected vice-pres, 324; helps sub-station for suff. lit. in Chicago, 335; 342; 346; 661; 705.
  • Brehaut, Ella C, opp. wom. suff, 363.
  • Brehm, Marie C, 180-1.
  • Brent, Mistress Margaret, 156.
  • Brewer, Justice U. S. Sup. Ct. David J, 280,
  • Brewer, Mary Grey, 556.
  • Breyman, Mrs. Arthur H, 120; 134.
  • Bright, John and Jacob, 31.
  • Bright, William H, 34.
  • Bristow, U. S. Sen. Joseph L, on Shafroth Amend, 415.
  • British Colonies, women vote in, 111.
  • Brock, Mrs. Horace, 479; 679.
  • Bronson, Minnie, secy. Natl. AntiSuff. Assn, 391; 437; 548; at last suff. hearing, 584; at Natl. Repub. Conv, 711.
  • Brooks, Mrs. Charles H, 541; director, Natl. Suff. Assn, 559; chmn. League of Women Voters, 570; 685; 687; 689.
  • Brooks, John Graham, 674.
  • Brougher, Rev. J. Whitcomb, 140.
  • Brown, Jennie A, addresses Senate com, 48.
  • Brown, Rev. Olympia, at natl. conv. in Minneapolis. 3; 17; 18; conv. sermon, 20; in Washtn, 33; in Baltimore, 35; addresses Sen. Com, 47; 179; 219; 341; prepares mem. to Mrs. Colby, 540; guest of honor at Jubilee conv, 610; speaks at Pioneer suff. luncheon, 615; on last evening, 617; heads Fed. Suff. Assn, 656 — 659; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 703; objections to Shafroth Palmer Amend, 748.
  • Brown, Mrs. Raymond, 314; 339; 372; rept. on N. Y. campn, 409; 423; 444; 450; presents res. to make Dr. Shaw hon. pres, 457; 519; elected natl. vice-pres, 541; 555; rept. on Oversea Hospitals, 560, 568; raises fund for League of Women Voters, 609; Oversea Hospitals, 614; at Anthony celebr, 615; 685; 689; 716; full rept. of work of women's Oversea Hospitals during the war, 732 — 734.
  • Brownlow, Mrs. Louis, 567.
  • Bruce, Laura, bequest to Natl. Assn, 127.
  • Bruns, Dr. Henry Dixon, addresses natl. suff. conv, 66.
  • Bryan, U. S. Rep. J. W. (Wash), 377.
  • Bryan, Mrs. J. W, 382.
  • Bryan, William Jennings, helps wom. suff, xxi; speaks for it in Neb, 402; 435; supports Fed. Suff. Ainend, 634; same, 642; at Dem. Natl. conv. 1912, 708; endorses wom. suff. in 1915, 708.
  • Bryn Mawr College Foundation in Politics, mcm. to Dr. Shaw, 613.
  • Buckley, Lila Sabin, bequest to Natl. Assn, 442.
  • Buffalo, entertains natl. suff. conf. 1901, 35: same, 1908, 213.
  • Bulkley, Mary, 559.