Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/810

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  • Burke, Alice, 6,000 mile motor suff. trip, 481.
  • Burleson, Mrs. Albert Sidney, 382; SIS-
  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson, for worn. suff, 297.
  • Burns, Frances E, 426.
  • Burns, Lucy, 364; 370; 377; in Eng. "militant" movement; on Natl. Congressl. Com, 377-8; resigns, 381; 454; 675.
  • Bush, Ada, 717.
  • Butler, U. S. Sen. Marion, 711.
  • Butler, Pres. Nicholas Murray, 613.
  • Butt, Hala Hammond, on restricted suff, 75.
  • Bynner, Witter, 611.
  • Byrns, Elinor, rept. of Natl. Press Com, 368; same, 405-6.


  • Cabot, Mrs. J. Elliott, 678.
  • Calhoun, Judge William J, on Shafroth Suff. Amend, 414.
  • California, worn. suff. amend, carried, xx; same, 310; Dr. Shaw's comment; reports from State officials, 317; natl. conv. sends greetings, 328; anti-suff. petition fails, 398; contrib. to natl. suff. assn, 559; 625.
  • Calkins, Prof. Mary W, at natl. suff. conv. in Balto; what leaders of movement have a right to ask of college women, 168, 170.
  • Calls to convs. of Natl. Suff. Assn, at beginning of first 19 chapters.
  • Campaigns and Surveys, Mrs. Shuler's rept; great progress in polit. parties; Mrs. Catt's plans for nation-wide Fed. Amend, campn. carried out; res. of protest against delay sent to Pres. Wilson from large orgztns. in this country and in Europe, 555; nearly every State visited by members of the Natl. Bd; the work of the Press and Research bureaus, the bulletins and travelling libraries have extended over the country; resolutions have been put through Legislatures; polit. work has been done, 556-7.
  • Campaigns, State, fund for, given by Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw, 337; in 1912, 366, 368; Mrs. Catt shows usual weaknesses, 485; record of, 624; in New York Mrs. Catt describes, 753.
  • Campbell, Ida E, invites ass'n. to Canada, 400.
  • Campbell, Isabel, 52.
  • Campbell, Jane, satire on The Unbiased Editor, takes Mr. Bok for example, 174; 181; 199; mem. tribute to Mr. Blackwell and Lucy Stone, 279; 333; 346.
  • Campbell, Margaret W, 137; 208.
  • Campbell, U. S. Rep. Philip P. (Kans.), 628.
  • Campbell, Mrs. Philip P, 515.
  • Canada, sends message to natl. suff. conv; its natl. assn. hopes to greet members in Canada, 400; Natl. Eq. Franchise Union sends greetings to natl. suff. conv, 501; enfranchises women, 551; Natl. Suff. Assn. sends return greetings, 597.
  • Cannon, Speaker Joseph G, 711.
  • Cantrill, U. S. Rep. James C. (Ky.), offers res. for Worn. Suff. Com, 525; 548; 628; 633; 635.
  • Cantrill, Mrs. James C, 559.
  • Capen, Pres. Elmer H. (Tufts Coll.), 146.
  • Carey, U. S. Sen. Joseph M, addresses Council of Women Voters, 484.
  • Carey, U. S. Sen. and Mrs. Joseph M, 118.
  • Carey, Mrs. Joseph M, obtains suff. petit, ii.
  • Carpenter, Alice, 548.
  • Carter, Elizabeth C, pres. N. E. Fed. of Women's Clubs (colored), tribute to Dr. Shaw, 761.
  • Carter, Franklin, secy, of N. Y. AntiStiff. Assn, 478.
  • Castle, M. B, 656.
  • Catholics, how enfranchised, 752.
  • Catron, U. S. Sen. Thomas B, 383; 626.
  • Catt, Carrie Chapman, elected natl. pres, xxii, I; secures special legis. sessions, xxiii; at natl. suff. conv. in Minneapolis, 1901, address on obstacles to worn, suff, gavel presented; plan of work for Fed. Amend, orgztn, 3 22; appeal against "regulated" vice, IT; introd. Mr. Blackwell, 12; 20; arr. trip to Yellowstone, 21; at natl. conv. in Washtn, 1902, first steps toward Intl. Alliance, 24; introd. Clara Barton, 25; president's address, 29; presides over Congressl. hearing, 50; estab. natl. suff. headqrs. in New York, 34; 35; tour of States, 36; scores Seth Low, 38; card case presented, 40; on Miss Anthony's birthday, 41; obtains foreign reports, 41; 44; presides at Congressl. hearing, urges appoint, of a com.