Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/818

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  • Democratic National Committee, gives natl. suff. com. list of its candidates for Cong, 319; receives suff. speakers, 440; natl. suff. conv. thanks chmn. for help with Fed. Amend, 610; 638; 648; 651-2; urges Gov. Roberts to call spec. session of Tenn. Legis. to ratify Fed. Suff. Amend, 718.
  • Democratic National Conventions, Dr. Shaw describes one in Balto, 371; in 1916 refuses plank for Fed. Amend. but endorses wom. suff, 480; 505; action on wom. suff. planks in 1904, 703; in 1908, 704; in 1012, 707; great struggle in 1916, 710-12; in 1920 League of Women Voters' planks accepted, 701; women welcomed, strong Fed. Amend. plank adopted, full polit. recog. granted, 717 — 719.
  • Democratic Party, hostile to wom. suff, adopts plank, xxi; vote in Cong, xxiii; members in Cong. caucus against Wom. Suff. Com, 397, 412; Senators for State's rights, 413-14: reasons for holding it responsible for Fed. Wom. Suff. Amend, 429; early leaders ignored State's rights, 430; this argument against wom. suff. demolished by its own record, 430 — 432; not strong enough in Cong. to submit Fed. Suff. Amend, 455; candidates for Cong. fought by Congress. Union, 474; vote of members of Cong. on Wom. Suff. Com, 525; on Fed. Suff. Amend, 562-3, 565; folly in leaving victory to Repubs, 564; unfair caucus on Fed. Amend, 565, 642; members in Cong. responsible for delay of Fed. Suff. Amend,
  • Democratic Vote in Congress on Fed. Amend, 624, 627, 629, 636, 640, 642, 644, 646: see 647-8-0.
  • Denison, Flora MacDonald, 540.
  • Denmark, greeting to suff. conv. in U. S., 135; 213; 243.
  • Dennett, Mary Ware, elected natl. cor. secy, 282; 289; in report of 1911, tells of vast work of natl. suff. headqrs. in New York; pushed plan of polit. dist. orgztn; sent out tens of thousands of suff. stamps and seals and scores of thousands of leaflets; letters to members of Cong. to give women a vote in direct election of U. S. Senators, etc, 313; re-elected, 324; report for 1912; 3,000,000 pieces of literature published, 250 kinds of printed matter, reference library established, 335; report 1913, suff. bills passed by ten Legislatures; campns, parades, tours, petitions, mass meetings, work with Cong, delegations to Europe, 366 — 368; report for 1914; record of State amends, tribute to Mrs. Medill McCormick, nation-wide work of speakers and organizers, women's Independence Day, 403 — 5; resigns office, 405; supports Shafroth Amend, 423.
  • De Rivera, Belle, 181.
  • Devine, Edward T, 258.
  • Devlin, T. C, 122.
  • De Voe, Emma Smith, welcomes delegates to St. of Wash, 244; 247; 254; 257; 263-4; 495; 561; 568.
  • Dewey, Dr. Nina Wilson, 407.
  • Dexter, Mrs. Wirt, 542.
  • Dickinson, Mary Lowe, 258.
  • “Dix, Dorothy,” Elizabeth M. Gilmer, speaks to colored women's club, 60; addresses conv. on The Woman with a Broom, 78; gives “Mirandy's Reason Why Women Can't Vote, No Backbone,” 284.
  • Dodge, Mrs. Arthur M, presides at hearing bef. Rules Com, opposes Wom. Suff. Com. in Lower House, 391; speaks bef. House Judic. Com. against Fed. Suff. Amend, 436-7; urges Senate com. not to report Amend, 467; tells House com. women are willing to be represented by men, 476; says her assn. believes women should have School suff. but not take part in politics and govt; question should be submitted to women; tax paying men can look after rights of tax paying women; men of Kans. didn't know what they were doing and women wish they hadn't suff, 477; is told these statements contrary to facts, 477; at Senate com. hearing, 548; 679; at Natl. Repub. Conv, 711.
  • Dorman, Marjorie, 437.
  • Dorr, Rheta Childe, article on Colorado Women Voters, 314; 367; edits wom. suff. paper, 379; 547-
  • Dos Passos, John R, says suff. would convert women into beasts, 437-8.
  • Doty, Madeline Z, 548.
  • Douglas, Judith Hyams, restriction put upon women came from man not God, 220 — 2.
  • Douglass, Frederick, 621.
  • Downey, Elvira, 668.
  • Dreier, Mrs. H. Edward, 381; 411.