Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/819

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  • Drewsen, Mrs. Gudrun, 27; 40; addresses Senate com. on wom. suff. in Norway, 48.
  • Du Bois, Dr. W. E. Burghardt, 343.
  • Dudley, Mrs. Guilford, welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Nashville, 308; on changed attitude of southern women toward suff; now demand it, 491-2; elected natl. vice-pres, 541; 554-53 559; 561; 566; at last suff. hearing, 578; repudiates State's rights doctrine as applied to wom. suff; discusses negro vote, 580.
  • Duniway, Abigail Scott, 13; 45; meets delegates to Portland suff. conv, 119; writes ode, presents gavel to Dr. Shaw, 120; tour with Miss Anthony in '71, tribute to both, 121; makes fine address, 123; tells of her paper the New Northwest, tribute to Woman's Journal, 132; speaks at unveiling of Sacajawea statue, 133; son wants her to vote, she receives full recog, 141; 144; reminis. of pioneer suff. days in northwest, 245; 254; 341.
  • Duniway, Willis, 141.
  • Dunlap, Flora, 485; 668-9.
  • Dunn, Arthur, 418.
  • Dunne, Mayor and Gov. Edward F. (Ills.), 197-8.
  • Dye, Eva Emery, 133; 255; 260.
  • Dyer, U. S. Rep. Leonidas C. (Mo.), 631.


  • Eager, Harriet A, 188.
  • Eaker, Helen N, 337.
  • Eastman, Max, on need of politics to develop women; will improve family life, 285.
  • Eaton, Dr. Cora Smith, tribute to, 17; 35; 37; 42-3; 68; tribute to Kee 142; 145; 150; 264; see King.
  • Eberhard, Gov. Adolph O. (Minn.), 382.
  • Eddy, Sarah J, portrait of Miss Anthony, 744.
  • Edson, Katharine Philips, 559.
  • Education, opportunities for women, iv.
  • Educational Qualifications for Suffrage, 32, 66, 76; plea of Mrs. Swift, 77; argument of Mayor Rudolph Blankenburg, 77-8; Mrs. Gilman objects, 78; nati. suff. conv. votes in favor but not policy of assn, 78; Miss Kearney's demand for it, 82; Mrs. Catt approves, 89; Miss Mills for, 110.
  • Edwards, Mrs. Richard E, 559; 570; 610; 689; 717.
  • Eichelberger, J. S, at last suff. hearing; grilled by members of com, 584.
  • Election of Officers of National American Suffrage Association, in 1901, 17; in 1902, 43; in 1903, 67; in 1904, 107; in 1905, 145; in 1906, 161; in 1907, 204; in 1908, 238; in 1909, 260; in 1910, 282; in 1911, 324; in I9I2, 342; in 1913, 373; in 1914, 424; in 1915, 456; in 1916, 501; in 1917, 540-1; in 1919, directors elected, 559, old board continued, 574; in 1920, 595, 600-1; list of officers at beginning of first 19 chapters; newspapers compliment election methods, 238.
  • Eliot, Rev. Thomas L. and Mrs, 121.
  • Ellicott, Mrs. William M, 183; 319.
  • Ely, Richard T, for wom. suff, 196.
  • Engle, Mrs. L. H, 540.
  • Equal Guardianship, 327.
  • Etz, Anna Cadogan, 219.
  • Eustis, William Henry, 7.
  • Evald, Emmy, 40-1; addresses House com. on status of women in Sweden, 51; urges wom. suff. in U. S, 52.
  • Evans, Ernestine, 548; 585.
  • Evans, Mrs. Glendower, bef. House Judic. Com, 429; closes hearing with eulogy of Pres. Wilson, stirs com, 434; bef. Senate com, 466; debate on future work of Natl. Assn, 487.
  • Evans, Sarah A, 120.


  • Fairbanks, Vice-President Charles W, 191; 705.
  • Fairchild, Charles S, 653-4; 680; 682.
  • Fall, U. S. Sen. Albert B, 711.
  • Fallows, Bishop Samuel, espouses cause of wom. suff, 194; officiates at Dr. Shaw's mem. service, 611.
  • Farmer Labor Party and Committee of 48 on League of Women Voters' planks, 700.
  • Farraday, Mabel, 448.
  • Farrar, Ed ar H, 57.
  • Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (Mrs. Henry), hon. pres. of British Natl. Union, writes chapter for History, iii; tribute to Dr. Shaw, 761.