Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/821

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  • 580, 582-3, 588-9, 590; four days' hearing ends; favorable report, debate in Lower House and vote to submit, 593; record of ratifications, 508; Governors called on by natl. suff. conv. for spec. sessions, 600; strenuous work for from natl. suff. headqrs. in New York and Washtn, under Mrs. Catt's supervision, 604; great “drive” for ratification, 604 — 606. Entire chapter on Amend, 618; first petitions for, 619; first resolutions for in Cong, 621; first vote in Senate, 1887, 624; discussed, 626; second vote, 1914, 627; first vote in Lower House, 629; struggle for second, 635; vote, 636-7; action of House Judic. Com, 6278-9, 631; Senate com. gives hearing and makes favorable report, 633; difficulty in Senate, 637-8; 1,000 prominent men petition for, 638; five days' debate, 639; vote, Oct. I, 1918, 640; vote, Feb. 10, 1919; analyzed by States, 642; final vote in House, analyzed by States, 644; debate in Senate, final vote, signed by Vice-pres. and Speaker, 645-6; friends and foes, 641 — 646; table of votes, 647. See Ratification. Proclaimed by Secy. of State, 652; many law suits; U. S. Sup. Ct, decides in favor, 653 — 055; opp. by women's Anti-Suff. Assns, 679; by men's, 681-2; record of polit. natl. convs, 702 — 719; appeals for amend. in 1912, 709; at Repub. natl. conv, 1916, 711; at Dem, 712; great change, 715; endorsed by all parties at natl. convs, 1920, 714, 717, 718; indebtedness to bequest of Mrs. Frank Leslie, 755; Pres. Wilson's apse to Senate in its favor, 761.
  • Federal Woman Suffrage Association, at hearings, 383, 427, 428; organized, officers, object, 656; memorializes Cong. and polit. convs; at Columbian Expos, 657; Congressl. hearings on bills, conv. in San Francisco, 678; Miss Clay's U. S. Elec. bill, 650.
  • Federation of Women's Clubs, Genl. and State, endorse wom. suff, xix; Genl. Fedn. invites suff. speaker, 206; coöperates with Natl. Suff. Assn, 210; sends first greeting to natl. suff conv, 215; causes epidemic of suffrage meetings,” 313; in States, bills show civic conscience, 350; Genl Fedn, 638.
  • Feickert, Lillian J, on N. J. campn, 409; 444; at Anthony celebr, 615.
  • Fels, Joseph, 340-1.
  • Fels, Mrs. Joseph, 542.
  • Fensham, Florence (Turkey), 42.
  • Ferguson, Gov. James E. (Texas), 713
  • Fernald, Fannie J, 194.
  • Fessenden, Susan, 176; 185; 188.
  • Field, Mrs. Cyrus W, 372; 405.
  • Field, Sara Bard, motors from San Francisco to Washtn. with suff. petition, 466-7; bef. House Judic. Com, 476; at natl. Repub. conv, 7II.
  • Finley, Dr. Caroline, work in women's Oversea Hospitals during the wal, 733; decorated by Prince of Wales, 735.
  • Finnegan, Annette, 669.
  • Fitch, Dean Florence M, 664.
  • FitzGerald, Susan Walker, 286; asks suff. for home makers, 300; elected natl. rec. secy, 324; 326; at Senate hearing, 347; 425; 450; 556.
  • Flags, Miss Barton's at Intl. Suff. Conf.; the suff. flag, 24; Penn. suff. assn. presents one to Natl, 501; Dr. Shaw' s tribute to flag of U. S, 511; “service” flag of assn, 517; Dr. Shaw's tribute to American, 758.
  • Fleischer, Rabbi Charles, 258.
  • Fleming, "Stephen B, 713.
  • Fletcher, U. S. Sen. 640.
  • Formad, Dr. Marie (France), 733.
  • Foss, Samuel Walter, 328.
  • Foster, J. Ellen, 42; 109.
  • Foster, Genl. John W, 467.
  • Foster, Mabel, 266,
  • Foster, U. S. Rep. Martin D. (Ills.), 548.
  • Fouke, Mrs. Philip B, 560.
  • Foulke es. William Dudley, 38; 64; 178;
  • Foxcroft, F idle 678.
  • Fray, Ellen Sully, 17; 106.
  • Frazer, Helen, tells of British women's war work, which brought suff, 544; 576.
  • Freeman, Elizabeth, 333
  • Freeman Mary Wilkins, for wom. suff, 297
  • Frelinghuysen U. S. Sen. Joseph S, as St. Senator approves School suff. for women, 320; 565; 640.
  • French, U. S. Rep. Burton (Ida.), 658.
  • French, Mrs L. Crozier, 395; welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Nashville, 398; 425.
  • French, Rose, 317.