Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/822

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  • Friedland, Sofja Levovna, 28; 40; 45; addresses House com. on status of woman in Russia, 50; 73.
  • Friends' Equal Rights Association, 42; orgztn. and work for wom. suff, 664 — 667.
  • Frierson, Solicitor General William L, 654.
  • Fry, Susannah M. D, 194.
  • Fuller, Mrs. B. Morrison, 553.
  • Fuller, Chief Justice Melville Weston, decision on appointment of presidential electors, 130.
  • Funck, Emma Maddox, arranges for and welcomes natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 151; it passes vote of thanks, 180.
  • Funck, Dr. William, 180.
  • Funk, Antoinette, work for Pres. suff. in IMs, 370; 381; 409; on Congressl. Com, 411; bef. House Judic. Com, refers to new Fed. Suff. Amend, 415-16; explains and defends Shafroth Amend. to natl. suff. conv, 416 — 418; report of campn. work in western States; found liquor interests active; travels 8,000 miles, 419 — 422; re-appointed vice chmn, 424; foreshadows new Fed. Amend. at Congressl. hearing, 427; chmn. Campn. and Survey Com, work in N. J. campn, 447; report for Congressl. Com, 451; 454; 503; resigns from com, 506; 726; sponsor for Shafroth Palmer Amend, 747-8.


  • Gage, Matilda Joslyn, writes Women's Declaration of Rights, 333. Gains, for wom. suff. in 1907, 213; in 1908, 243.;
  • Gale, Zona, 425; offers res. to unite work of Natl. Suff. Assn. and Congressl. Union, 453-4.
  • Gannett, Mrs. William C, chmn. com. for Anthony mem. bldg, 201-2; women's duty to want to vote, 234; work for bldg, 744.
  • Gano, Eveline, shows disadvantage to teachers in having no vote, quotes New York, 293.
  • Gardener, Helen H, arr. parade to carry Fed. Amend. petition to Cong, 275; “unstinted personal service,” 336; tells how to get Congressl. docs, 373; 381; urges appt. of Com. on Wom. Suff, 384; on Congressl. Com, 411; bef. House Judic. Com, quotes Bryan's declaration that Pres. Wilson insists the Govt. must derive just powers from consent of governed and applies it to women's demand for suff, 435-6; arr. for natl. suff. conv, 1917, 515; asks Pres. Wilson for letter on forming Com. on Wom. Suff, 524; called “diplomatic corps,” 525; elected natl. vice-pres, 541; bef. Rules Com, 549; natl. suff. conv. sends greeting, 559; vice-chmn. Congressl. Com, 567; 604; secures space in Smithsonian Inst. for suff. exhibit; offers res. of thanks to at 609; at Anthony celebr, 615; 635.
  • Gardner, Gov. Frederick D. (Mo.), for wom. suff, 526
  • Gardner, Mrs. Gilson, 454; 675.
  • Garrett, U. S. Rep. Finis J. (Tenn.), 548.
  • Garrett, Mary E, entertainments for natl. suff. conv. in Balto, 152 — 167; conv. sends letter of thanks, 180; invitations “to meet Miss Anthony,” account of functions, distinguished women house guests, 182; with Dr. Thomas raises large fund for suff. work, 183, 258; 289; 661.
  • Garrett, Mrs. Robert, 391; 679.
  • Garrett-Thomas Suffrage Fund, 235, 253.
  • Garrison, Eleanor, 571.
  • Garrison, Francis J, 674.
  • Garrison, William Lloyd, 244.
  • Garrison, William Lloyd, Jr, 258; mem. service at natl. suff. conv, 1910; tributes of Dr. Shaw and Mrs. McCulloch, 277 — 280.
  • Garvin, Florence, 661.
  • Garwood, Omar E, 312; secy. Natl. Men's League, 674.
  • Gay, U. S. Sen. Edward J, opp. Fed. Suff. Amend, 565; 642-3; 646.
  • Gellhorn, Mrs. George, welcomes natl. suff. conv, 554; 559; 668; 689; 690; 699; 717.
  • George, Mrs. A. J, 391; in anti-suff. speech attacks Mormons, says suffs. place their cause above needs of country, 467-8; makes State's rights argument bef. House com, 478; 548; 710-11.
  • German American Alliance, anti-suff. work in Ky, 388.
  • Germany, venerates suff. pioneers, 28.
  • Geyer, Rose Lawless, press work in Iowa campn, 485; report to natl. conv, 494; 528; report on natl.