Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/823

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  • press work, 531; instructs suff. schools, 539; tribute to her work, 571.
  • Gibbons, Cardinal, Dr. Shaw answers, 125; Mrs. Harper answers, 131; opp. women's societies, Dr. Shaw criticizes, 158.
  • Gilbert, Judge Hiram, on Shafroth Suff. Amend, 414.
  • Gilder, Richard Watson, 296.
  • Gildersleeve, Dean Virginia C, 613; 663.
  • Gillett, Emma M, 218; report as chmn. of Congressl. Com, 319.
  • Gillett, Speaker Frederick H, 584; 646.
  • Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 661.
  • Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 71; mem. poem, 74; on educated suff, 78; describes Lester F. Ward's biolog. theory of the sexes, 92; 110; 133; 140; on “hand that rocks the cradle,” 149; woman's right to citizenship, 220; economic dependence cause of immorality, 224; 244; 260; 262; 265; 289.
  • Giltner, Prof. William S, 133.
  • Glasgow, Ellen, for wom. suff, 297.
  • Glass, U. S. Sen. Carter, 719.
  • Gleason, Kate, 341.
  • Goddard, Mary Catherine, Congress ignored her paper in days of Revolution, 156.
  • Goldenberg, Rosa H, 152.
  • Goldstein, Vida, 40-1; 43; addresses Senate com. on wom. suff, in Australia and New Zealand, 49; candidate for Senate, 91.
  • Gompers, Samuel, 86; greeting to suff. conv, 135; 208; 258; 703; 731.
  • Goodlett, Caroline Meriwether, 328.
  • Goodrich, Gov. James P. (Ind.), 551.
  • Goodrich, Sarah Knox, 106
  • Gordon, Anna A, 28.
  • Gordon, Rev. Eleanor, 140.
  • Gordon, Jean, 56; welcomes Miss Anthony to New Orleans, 57; receives testimonial from natl. suff. conv, 84; address on duty of women of leisure to workingwomen, 231; 286; 425.
  • Gordon, Kate M, elected natl. cor. secy, 17; report in 1902, chivalry in Ala, 34 — 36; 56; welcomes natl. suff. conv. to New Orleans, 57; report of year's work, 60; 61; receives loving cup, 84; tells of Dr. Shaw's southern tour attitude of South, 87-8; 89; report in 1905, 127; protests against southern members' attitude on wom. suff, 188; shows need of personal acquaintance of suff. leaders with editors, politicians, teachers, women's clubs; appeals for funds for Ore. campn, 161; tells of women's Munic. suff. in New Orleans, 195-6; 202; 208; 211; 214; describes interview with Pres. Roosevelt, 217; arr. hearings, 217; 244; tells of liquor dealers' fight on wom. suff. in Ore, 247; urges suff. assn. to use polit. methods, 248; resigns as cor. secy, convention thanks, 260; 2634; elected vice-pres, 283; 287; 324; 400; debate on future work of Natl. Assn, 486; 668; org. Southern Wom. Suff. Conf, 671; 673; at Dem. natl. conv, 1912, 703-4.
  • Gordon, Laura de Force, 137.
  • Gordon, Dr. Margaret (Canada), 597.
  • Graddick, Laura J, working women polit. nonentities forced to compete with those having full polit. rights, 304.
  • Graham, Frances W, 215.
  • Gram, Elizabeth, 585.
  • Grand Army of Republic, for wom. suff, 435.
  • Grange, National and State, endorses wom. suff, 206; always for it, Dr. Shaw a member, 247; Natl, 392.
  • Grant, M. Louise, 662.
  • Gray, James, 7.
  • Great Britain, wom. suff. work not finished, iii; xxii; official and polit. status of women, 52; women made eligible to office, 213; women's demonstratn, “militancy,” situation in Parliament, 237-8; “militant” movement, 281; enfranchises women, 551; chapter on in Vol. VI.
  • Greeley, Helen Hoy, 314; 372.
  • Greene, Judge Roger S, 144.
  • Greenleaf, Halbert S, 204.
  • Gregg, Laura, 18; 20; edits Progress, 35; 71; 110; indifferent women real enemy to equal suff, 235; 261; 404.
  • Gregory, Dr. Alice, work in women's Oversea Hospitals during the war, 733.
  • Gregory, Mrs. Thomas W, 515.
  • Grenfell, Helen Loring, describes effect of wom. suff. in Colo, 102; 105; refutes charges against women, 113.
  • Grew, Mary, 334.
  • Griffin, Frances A, 65.
  • Grim, Harriet, 236; 283; 404; 668; 703.
  • Gruening, Martha, 662.