Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/824

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  • Guernsey, Mrs. George Thatcher, pres. genl. D. A. R, 515.
  • Guild, Mrs. Charles E, 678.
  • Gulick, Alice Gordon, 106.


  • Hackstaff, Priscilla D, 10; 13; 62; work on natl. petit, 258; 703.
  • Haggart, Dr. Mary E, 146.
  • Hale, Rev. Edward Everett, 98.
  • Hale, U. S. Sen. Frederick, 648.
  • Haley, Margaret A, 37.
  • Hall, Florence Howe (N. J.), speaks for her mother at conv. of I 185.
  • Hall, Florence H. (Penn.), in antisuff. speech attacks Mormonism; Sen. Sutherland objects, 467-8.
  • Hall, Louise, 556.
  • Hall, Dr. Stanley, 256.
  • Hallinan, Charles T, 408; 418; report of Natl. Publicity Dept; tribute to Dr. Shaw; orgztn. of Data Dept, 442-3.
  • Hamilton, Mrs. L. A. (Canada), 400; pres. natl, assn, 584.
  • Hanaford, Rev. Phoebe A, last words for Mrs. Stanton, 741.
  • Hanna, Mayor James R. (Des Moines), 669.
  • Harbert, Elizabeth Boynton, 18; 20; 288; 559.
  • Harding, U. S. Sen. Warren G, votes for Fed. Suff. Amend, 516; as Pres. candidate receives League of Women Voters, 701.
  • Hardwick, U. S. Rep. Thomas W. (Ga.), 384; discussion with Mrs. Catt at com. hearing, 390.
  • Hardy, Jennie Law, 473.
  • Harmon, Mrs. Anna, 658.
  • Harper, Ida Husted, tells of suff. dept. in N. Y. Sun, 14; 67; presents Decl. of Principles to natl. conv, 87; answers Cardinal Gibbons. 131; presides at press conf, 1905, 131; address, wom. suff. will come from the West, 135; has interview with Pres. Roosevelt, 137; articles on death of Miss Anthony, 204; report as chmn. of Natl. Press Com, immense increase of notice of wom. suff; appreciation of support of natl. press bureau by Mrs. Belmont, 287-8; 315; presents and supports res. that officers of Natl. Assn. must be non-partisan, 342; 354; bef. House Judic. Com, 1912, makes constitl, argument; quotes from Presidents Taft and Roosevelt; says women have been asking Cong. for Fed. Amend. 43 years; shows St. amends. practically impossible; no other country subjects women to this struggle; answers questions, 359 — 361-2; bef. House Com. on Rules; asks appoint. of Com. on Wom. Suff; shows treatment of res. for a Fed. Suff. Amend. by Judic. Coms. for over forty years; the defeats in St. campns; the need of a Fed. Amend, 385 — 387; no class of men in U.S. have lifted a finger to get suff. but women have struggled 65 yrs, 395; debate at Atlantic City conv. on future work of Natl. Assn, 487; 527; editorial dept. Leslie Bureau of Education, describes work with editors, espec. for Fed. Amend; concrete results; many letters to editors on “picketing” and results; change in southern papers, 528 — 530; natl. suff. conv. sends greeting, 550; second report of dept. in Leslie Bureau; letters to 2,000 editors; letters to and from ex-President Roosevelt; work for Fed. Amend; 8,000 letters sent; articles to Intl. Suff. News; change in character of editorials, 571-2; prepares to finish History of Wom. Suff, 573; conv. sends telegram of recog. for work on History, 610; writes chapter on Fed. Suff. Amend. for History, 618; 658; objections to Shafroth Palmer Amend, 748.
  • Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden, in war service, 517; 526; on Congressl. Com, 567.
  • Harrison, U. S. Rep. Pat (Miss.), 548; U. S. Sen, 645.
  • Hart, Gov. Louis F, (Wash.), urged to call spec. session,
  • Hartshorne, Myra Strawn, 286;
  • Harvey, Col. George, 205; 258.
  • Haslup, Mary R, 152.
  • Haskell, Oreola Williams, 181; 211.
  • Hatch, Lavina, 106
  • Hathaway, Margaret, member Mont. Legis, 516; 540.
  • Hauser, Elizabeth J, shares work of natl. suff. headgrs. in 1903, 61; tells of work at conv. of 1904, 93; in 1905, vast amount of literature distrib. res. secured from convs, etc, 128; describes the Statehood Protest of 400 orgztns. of women to Senate com. against proposed bill for admitting new territories, 129;