Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/825

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  • 130; 135; in 1906, endorsement of orgztns, 162; 163-4; in 1907, describes vast work, 204-6; headgrs. secy's. report for 1908; thousands of articles furnished, hundreds of orgztns. endorse, 218; presides at press conf, 219; report for 1900, polit. work; many endorsements, widely extended press work; conv. thanks; goes to N. Y. headqrs, 248 — 250; 287; 315; 485; 670; 690; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 703; 754-
  • Haver, Jessie R, on tour for ratif, 606; 687.
  • Hawaii, Natl. Assn. asks wom. suff. for, 11; suff. soc. formed, 381, 561; action of Cong. on wom. suff, 566.
  • Hawk, George, takes referendum on Fed. Amend. to U. S. Sup. Ct, 652.
  • Hay, Secy. of State John, 736.
  • Hay, Mary Garrett, at natl. conv, 1901, 10; conv. thanks, 12; 21; champion money raiser, 41; report on organization, 61; work on Fed. Amend. petition, 258; arr. parade tO carry it to Cong, 275; tells how to organize, 444; natl. conv. thanks for arr. Pres. Wilson's visit, 501; 503; on Congressl. Com, 506; shows why New York campn. was won, 519; scores circular of Mrs. Wadsworth on New York victory; gives figures to show not due to Socialist vote, 536-7; elected natl. vice-pres, 541; Repub. party gives important positions, 554-5; does congressl. and war work, 555; wants name of Natl. Assn. retained, 561; on Congressl. steering com, 560; 568; raises “budget” for 1919, 569; offers res. to thank Governors who have called spec. sessions and urge others to do so, 600; great service in securing ratif. of Fed. Amend, 606; raises money for League of Women Voters, 609, 608; speaks on Women in Politics, 617; at Repub. natl. conv, 1920, calls conf. of suffs; they present plank to Res. Com, 716-17; presides at meeting for women on Peace conf, 738.
  • Hayden, U. S. Rep. Carl (Ariz.), 524; 549.
  • Hays, Will H, chmn. Natl. Repub. om, natl. suff. conv. thanks for help with Fed. Amend, 610; work for it, 638; Mrs. Catt thanks in name of Natl. Amer. Suff. Assn. for his own and party's support of Fed. Suff. Amend, 648; helps in Tenn, 657.
  • Headquarters, National Suffrage, in New York, xx; 34; removed to Warren, O, 61; important work described, 93; see Hauser; removed to New York, Mrs. Belmont assists financially, thanked by natl. conv, 253; Ills. dele. want them removed to Chicago, 319; Natl. conv. votes to retain in New York, 341; Mrs. Belmont offers res. to move to Washtn, 381; Mrs. Roessing urges it, 506, 508; Natl. Bd. decides not wise to move from New York but estab. branch in Washtn, activities, 525 — 527; closed, 604; 627; 632; summary, in Rochester, New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Warren, O, and New York City, 754.
  • Hearings, before Committees of Congress for quarter of a century, 406; in 1902, names of Senate com, Miss Anthony hon. pres. Natl. Suff. Assn. presides and pleads for a Fed. Suff. Amend; noted speakers, 47; bef. House Judic. Com, Mrs. Catt introd. foreign speakers, 50; she and Dr. Shaw urge Cong. to appoint a com. to investigate results of wom. sulf, 49; 53-4; in 1904 Miss Anthony presides at Senate hearing, her last; had appealed to 17 Congresses; Mrs. Watson-Lister tells of wom. suff. in Australia; a report promised, none made, 110-11; House Judic. Com, Mrs. Catt presides; urges a commsn. to investigate conditions in equal suff. States; Sen. Shafroth, Gov. Adams and eminent Colo. women speak, 111 — 116; in 1906, Miss Anthony, unable to attend; had missed but two hearings in 37 years; Dr. Shaw presided at Senate, Mrs. Florence Kelley at House; strong speeches but no report, 187 — 191; in 1908, hearing given but convention not in session, 218; in 1910, first in splendid new office bldgs; names of Senate com; Dr. Shaw presides, tells of great petition for Fed. Suff. Amend, just presented; introd. women speakers representing different professions, 291-8; closes with strong appeal for a report; the chairman promises one, 299; none ever made, 300; bef. House Judic. Com. in 1910; names of com; Mrs. Kelley presides, tells of great petition; many strong