Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/831

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  • Livermore, Mary A, letter to natl. suff. conv, 13; memorial res. of Natl. Assn, 146; Mrs. Howe's tribute to, 155.
  • Livingston, Deborah Knox, speaks at natl. suff. conv, 511; report on Maine campn, 520.
  • Lobby, for Fed. Worn. Suff. Amend, 635.
  • Locke, Leon, 408.
  • Lockwood, Belva A, 657.
  • Lodge, U. S. Sen. Henry Cabot, anti- Fed. Suff. Amend, res, 639; 703; opp. worn. suff. plank in Repub. platform, 1916, 711.
  • Loines, Hilda, report as chmn. of assn's Food Production Com, 560; 730; report on Women's Land Army during the war, 731.
  • Long. ex-Secy, of Navy John D, on Stiff. Advisory Com, 258; vice-pres. Men's Suff. League, 674.
  • Long, Dr. Margaret, treas. Natl. Coll. Women's League, 229; 661.
  • Longshore, Dr. Hannah. 73; 334.
  • Loomis, Rev. Alice Ball, 18; 20.
  • Lord. Mrs. M. B, 247.
  • Lord, Rev. William R, 340.
  • Lorimer, Rev. George C, 146.
  • Louisville, Ky, entertains natl. suff. conv. in 1911, 310.
  • Lovejoy, Dr. Owen R, shows need of worn. suff. in the cause of child labor. 496, 500.
  • Low Seth, ignores women. 38.
  • Lowe, Caroline A, 327; speaks at hearing for 7,000.000 working women, denial of ballot greatest injustice. 350.
  • Lowell, Pres. A. Lawrence, Dr. Shaw joins on speaking tour for League' of Nations. 740; 757.
  • Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 180; for worn, stiff, 206.
  • Lowell, Judge Stephen R. 138.
  • Ludington Katharine, at natl. stuff. conv, 568; work in Conn. 602; 689.
  • Luscombe Florence, 326.


  • Mack Judge Julian, 372.
  • Mackay. Mrs. Garence, on Advisory Com, 258.

McAdoo, Secy. of the treasury William G. for Fed. Stiff. Amen d, 590; on suff. platform. 724: restores 8-hour day to women. 729.

  • McAdoo. Mrs. William G. on recep. com. for suff. conv, 515; speaks at conv on Liberty Loan, 533.
  • McAfee, Effie L. D, 666.
  • McAneny, Mrs. George, 613.
  • McArthur, U. S. Rep. C. N. (Ore.), 549.
  • McCall, Sarah J, bequest to Natl. Suff. Assn, 407.
  • McClintock, Mary Ann, calls first Worn. Rights Conv, 219.
  • McClung, Nellie, tells of Canadian women's war work and how it brought suffrage, 544; in Minn, 669.
  • McClure, S. S. and T. C, for wom, suff, 296.
  • McCormack, Mrs. James M, 494.
  • McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus H, 542.
  • McCormick, Katharine Dexter, 286; appt. to natl. board, address on broadening effects of suff. work, 324; sends gift of suff. literature to many States, 336; pays Natl. Assn's deficit of $6,000 on Woman's Journal. 337; treas. report for 1913, 372; 419; elected vice-pres, 425; organizes Volunteer Suff. League, 442; 454; re-elected, 456; 484; unique evening program, 488; 527; reelected, 541; contrib. to Natl. Assn, on Wom. Com. of Natl. Defense, 555; chmn. assn's War Service Dept, presides at meeting, 560; refutes slanders of "antis", 560; assists Congressl. Com, 567; address at natl. conv, 597; moves res. of gratitude to Pres. Wilson, 600; 608; 615; writes chapter on war work of suffs, for History, 720; 724; 726-7; 730; 737.
  • Mcormick. Mrs. Medill. work for Pres. stiff, in Ills. 370; offers res. to ask Pres. Wilson for interview on wom, suff, and is on com, 374; chmn. Natl. Congressl. Com. 381; valuable service, estab. Woman's Independence Day, 404; 411; report of Congressl. Com's, work for Fed. Stiff. Amend; reasons for introd. Shafroth Amend, and defense of it. 411 — 416, 418; report for Campn. Com, 418; her com. assists Neb. 420; re-apptd. chmn. 424: elected natl. auditor; produces play, Your Girl and Mine. 426; contrib. to publicity work, 426; bef. House Judic. Com, 427; shows difference beween Natl. Suff. Assn. and Congressl. Union, 434; presides at conf, 444; 450; report as chmn. Congressl. Com, 452; 454; report to Senate com, 465; suff, work in Ills. 482; resigns as chmn. Congressl.