Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/832

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  • Com, 506; moves for com. to confer with Red Cross War Council, is herself appt, 540; 567; 627; 620; sponsor for Shafroth Palmer Amend, 747-8.
  • McCormick, Vance, Amend, 638.
  • McCracken, Elizabeth, 114-15; 301.
  • McCulloch, Catharine Waugh, 17; on legal privileges of women, 70; legal adviser to Natl. Assn, 107; conducts protest against bill admitting new Territories with women classed with insane, idiots and felons, 129; legislative work, 262; mem. tributes to Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Garrison, 278; elected natl. vice-pres, 282-3; report as legal adviser, rising vote of thanks, 286; 289; at Senate hearing as justice of the peace, shows professional women's demand for the vote, 292; pays tribute to “family of Clay,” tells of new chivalry, 312; 314; 324; report on mother's equal guardianship, 327; early work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; presides at hearing bef. Com. on Rules, 392; 304; offers res. of non-partisanship, 490; on limited suff, 495; on tour for ratif, 606; works for Fed. Suff. Amend, 650; org. Miss. Valley Conf, 667 on Legal Status of Women, 686, 6090, 607; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 703: objects to Shafroth Palmer Amend. 747; helps revise constn. of Natl. Suff. Assn, 756.
  • McDowell, Mary FE, on The Workingwomen as a Natl. Asset, tribute to Miss Anthony and suffs, 209-10; ballot will give wage-earning women new status in industry, 356-7; 600.
  • McDowell, R. A, 408.
  • McFarland, Henry B. F, 24; 515.
  • McGehee, Mrs. Edward, 490.
  • McIvor, Mrs. Campbell (Canada), 334; 501
  • McKeller, U. S. Sen. Kenneth, invites natl. suff. conv. to Chattanooga, 382; 643.
  • McKinley, Pres. William, for wom. suff. when a youth, 133.
  • McKinley, Mrs. William, gives doll for suff. bazaar, 13.
  • McLaren, Priscilla Bright, 31.
  • McLean, Frances W, 220.
  • McNaughton, Dr. Clara W, 435; 658.
  • Macy, Mrs. V. Everit, 542.
  • Maddox, Etta, obtains admis. of women to the bar in Md, 42; 98; 179.
  • Mahoney, Nonie, 541.
  • Malone, Collector of the Port Dudley Field, on natl. suff. platform, plea for wom. suff, says women would vote for “preparedness,” Mrs. Catt and Dr. Shaw object, 459-60; bef. Senate com, 548.
  • Manila, natl. suff. assn. protests against “regulated” vice in, 10.
  • Mann, U. S. Rep. James R. (Tils.), votes for Fed. Amend, 637; chmn. Com. on Wom. Suff, 644.
  • Mann, Mrs. James R, 515.
  • Manning, Rev. William P, 682.
  • Mansfeldt, Lieut. Col. W. A. E. (Holland), 674.
  • Maps, difficulty with suff. maps, 532.
  • Marbury, William L, brings suit to a Fed. Suff. Amend, 654; same, 682.
  • Marshall, Vice-pres. Thomas R, 646; tribute to Dr. Shaw, 760.
  • Martha Washington Hotel, 258.
  • Martin, Anne, tells natl. conv. of successful suff. campn. in Nev, 401; work in Nev, 421; 425; 454; presides at Senate hearing of Congressi. Union, 466; same, 547; 549; at last suff. hearing, 585; 675; chmn. Natl. Wom. Party, 676; at natl. Repub. conv, 710.
  • Martin, U. S. Sen. Thomas S, unfairness in Dem. caucus on Fed. Suff. Amend, 565; same, 642.
  • Marvel, Lulu H, natl. suff. conv. thanks, 501.
  • Mathews, Dean Lois K. (Wis. Univ.), 664.
  • Matthews, J. N, opp. wom. suff, 437.
  • Matthews, Prof. Shailer, for wom. suff, 296.
  • Maud, Queen of Norway, 247.!
  • Mead, Edwin D, 674.
  • Mead. Lucia Ames, pleads for world orgztn. for peace, 97; 105; 133; work for peace, 138; same, 176; responsibility of U. S. for Peace and Arbitration, 187; all classes of women need the suffrage, 189; 210; report on Peace conferences; Amer. School Peace League, 240; urges Natl. Suff. Assn. to work for peace, 253; 289; tells of great peace funds and endowments and "Pres. Taft's noble efforts to secure treaties,” 326; 338.
  • Meehan, Mrs. S. D, 395.