Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/844

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  • at Spokane, says blow for wom. suff. will be struck on Pacific coast, 244; opens suff. conv. at Seattle, pays tribute to Mrs. Catt, 246-7; is member of Grange, 247; 249; no stenographic report of speeches, 252; “question box,” 257; 258; Sunday services, 260; thanks Miss Gordon, compliments Gov. Vessey, 261; does not know politics, 262; 263; closing speech, 264; at Expos. on suff. day, 264; opens natl. conv. of 1910, 266; presiding when Pres. Taft makes address of welcome, distressed at apparent hissing, expresses regret in the conv, sends letter to the President in name of Official Bd, 260, 272-3; tributes to Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Garrison, 280; re-elected pres, 282; presides at Sunday meeting, 289; closes conv. 200; presides at Senate hearing, tells of great petit, says democracy never has been tried; introd. speakers; scores women “antis"; begs for a report, 291 — 209; opens natl. conv. in Louisville, 311; gives $3,000 from unknown contrib, 315; president's address; tribute to men of Wash. and Calif, 317; guest of honor Coll. Women's Suff. League, 319; presides at Sunday afternoon meeting, introd. noted speakers, 321; re-elected, 324; closing address, “eloquent with hope,” 331; “citizen of the world,” 334; large fund for campns. received from Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw, 337; president's address, “American women are ruled by the men of every country in the world,” 338; sends congrat. of Natl. Assn. to Governors of States with suff. victories, who respond, 341; presides at great Sunday meeting in Phila, 343; 345; at Senate hearing, 1012, 347: begs the com. to bring a Fed. Suff. Amend. bef. the Senate and to appoint a com. to investigate its working in equal suff. States, 353; speaks in 13 States and 5 countries of Europe in 1913, 367; president's address at natl. conv; has heard objections against wom. suff. but no reasons; women too emotional; compares last Pres. conv. in Balto. with natl. convs. of women, 370-1; criticizes Pres. Wilson for ignoring wom. suff. in his first message, 373-4; recd. by him and presents case for suffs, 375; appoints Alice Paul head of Congressl. Com, 378; closes conv, 382; presides at hearing for a Wom. Suff. Com, 384; 387; says suffs. would not ask partisan com, 388; business of the Govt. to protect women in their right to vote, 391; presides at natl. conv. in Nashville, presented with gavel from tree planted by Andrew Jackson, 398; pays tribute to southern women, calls on southern men to give them the ballot, 3909; conv. passes res. of appreciation for her “splendid services” of past year and willingness to stand for re-election, 400; president's address, divine right of Kings soon obsolete; with wom. suff. war could be averted, 402; asks Pres. Wilson to proclaim Women's Independence Day, 402; uses her campn. fund, her long itinerary, 404; rec. testimonial from organizers, 406; tribute to people of Nashville, 409; agrees to Shafroth-Palmer Amend, 422; reelected, 1914, 424; sits on Speaker's bench at opening of Cong; recd. by Pres. Wilson, asks him to use his influence for a Fed. Suff. Amend. and plank in Dem. natl. platform, 440; welcomes new workers, thanks God for old, 441; tribute of publicity chmn, 442; "decides to retire from presidency, states reasons in Woman's Journal, 445; president's address, leading feature of convs; outlines future work of assn, 445; shows need of loyalty and co-operation bet. officers and members; receives ovation, 446; shows Miss Anthony's pin from Wyoming women; conv. orders address printed, 447: compilation of her speeches made; speaks 30 times in N. J. campn, 447; 204 in N. Y, 457; addresses Coll. League, 450; attitude on Shafroth Amend. opposed but yields to Official Bd, thinks it was introd. too soon, 450-1; accepted presidency of Natl. Assn. in 1904 only because urged by Miss Anthony; compelled to give it up by other duties, wants Mrs. Catt for her successor, 455-6; votes for her and pays tribute, 457; natl. suff. conv. releases Dr. Shaw with beautiful ceremonies, elects her hon. pres. and friends present her with annuity, 457-8: she responds and introd. Mrs. Catt, 458; presides at mass meeting Sunday, 459-60; ap