Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/845

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  • preciation and thanks of Natl. Assn, 461; presides at Senate hearing, 462; takes up world questions and asks for woman's vote on them; tribute to com, 465-6; at House hearing asked to state diff. between Natl. Suff. Assn. and Congressl. Union and does so, 471; urges no change in policy of Natl. Am. Assn, 487; stands for non partisanship, 490; responds to Pres. Wilson's address to natl. suff. conv, “women want suff. now,” 498; presides over last evening session; closes address with a definition of Americanism and tribute to the flag, 511; reception with wives of Cabinet at suff. conv. 1917, 515; opens convention with invocation, 517; moves rising vote on pledge of war service to Govt, 518; appointed by Govt. as chmn. of Woman's Com. of Council of National Defense, 520; presides at evening session, 520; nominates Mrs. Catt for office, 522-3; condemns “picketing", 530; proposes message of lovalty and support to Pres. Wilson, which conv. sends, 533; speech on women and war, 534 — 6; women the army at home; must not make all the sacrifices; should be “smokeless” days; describes Woman's Com. of Natl. Defense, 536; speaks of injustice to Clara Barton; presents Mrs. Avery, 540; tribute to her oratory, 544; invocation at opening of natl. conv. 1919; presents Mrs. Catt, 553; southern dele. give illuminated testimonial and she responds, 554; moves a res. of thanks to Pres. Wilson, 558; 559; assistance to Congressl. Com, 567; at Pioneer's evening gives reminis. of Miss Anthony, 569-70; presides on last evening, 576; at last suff. hearing, 577; speech shows Govt's recognition of loyalty of Natl. Suff. Assn, 578; other countries recognize women's service by giving suff, 579; eminent supporters of Fed. Suff. Amend; to fail to ask it would be treason, 579; 581; opened natl. convs. with prayer 28 yrs, 506; tribute of Mrs. Shuler, memorial booklet by Natl Bd; her last speech, What the War Meant to Women, 607; memorial service at natl. suff. conv, program. tribute of N. Y. Times, 611; Mrs. Catt's eulogy, beautiful comparison, 612; devotion to cause of wom. suff; nearest and dearest to Miss Anthony; great power of oratory, 612; work for her country; two college foundations estab. as memorials; her college degrees. Autobiography, Story of a Pioneer, 613; her tribute to Miss Anthony, 615; Pres. Wilson congratulates, 634; vicepres. Coll. Equal Suff. League, 663; favors League of Women Voters, 685; appeals to Dem. natl. conv. in 1908, 704; in 1912, 707; 724; on women's attitude toward war, 725; Govt. appoints her chmn. Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 726-7; her work, 737; telegram from Queen Mary, 738; tribute by Secy. of War Baker; receives distinguished service medal, 730; closes work of Woman's Com. but thinks it should be continued for civic work, 739; goes on speaking tour in behalf of League of Nations with former Pres. Taft and Pres. Lowell, 739; overworks and dies before it is finished, 740. Appendix, approves Anthony Mem. Bldg, 744, 754; address on resigning presidency of Natl. Amer. Assn; U. S. Govt. violates its own principles i in refusing suff. to women, 750; assn, must not be swerved from its purpose, new recruits want spectacular methods, State-action is the foundation, 751; on tour for League of Nations; nation mourns death, 757-8; tribute to Amer. flag; women traitors to democracy not to demand suff; receives disting. service medal; accepts it for service of all women; on Exec. Com. of League to Enforce Peace; it circulates her last speech, 758; “out of this war must come world peace; American flag means hope for the world; mothers will not endure war; will of the people must prevent it,” 759; memorial of Natl. Suff. Bd; tributes of Pres. Wilson, Vice-pres. Marshall, former Pres. Taft, Director Grosvenor B. Clarkson, Secy. of the Interior Lane, Mrs. Henry Fawcett, Lady Aberdeen, Elizabeth C. Carter, Natl. and Intl. Assns, 760-1.
  • Shaw, Helen Adelaide, 36.
  • Shaw, Nicolas, 754.
  • Shaw, Mrs. Quincy A. (Pauline Agassiz), 202; gives fund for campn. work, 404.