Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/846

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  • Shaw, Mrs. Robert Gould, 442; contrib. to wom. suff, 542.
  • Shepherd, Lulu Loveland, 39s.
  • Sheppard, U. S. Sen. Morris, speech for Fed. Amend, 572; votes for it, 627; 646.
  • Shetter, Charlotte. designs seal, 314.
  • Shibley, George H, 174.
  • Shores, Mrs. E. A, 317.
  • Shortt, Rev. J. Burgette, 136.
  • Shuler, Marjorie, natl. chmn. of Publicity, in Fla, 556; in Okla. campn, 558; on Congressl. Com, 566; report of Washtn. suff. press bureau, 573; on Congressl. Com, 604; on commissn. to West, 605-6; same, 650; welcomed in Washtn, 652.
  • Shuler, Nettie Rogers, pres. Western New York Fed. of Wom. Clubs, welcomes natl. conv, 214; elected natl. cor. secy, 501; 527; report for 1917; tells of universal demonstrations for Fed. Amend, vast distrib. of literature, suff. schools, work of 225 organizers instructed by Mrs. Catt, 538-0; work for Pres. suff, 5390; re-elected, 541; campns. in western States, 550; valuable report for Com. of Campaigns and Surveys, 554 — 558; in campn. States, 556; 562; 568; 570; chapter for Hist. on League of Women Voters, 595, 683; sends letter of thanks to Governors for Natl. Assn, 600; report for 1919, most important year in history of assn, 601 — 608: lines of work indexed under respective heads; great “drive” for ratif; of Fed. Amend. from natl. headqrs, under Mrs. Catt's direction, 604 — 607; renders homage to her, 608: tribute to Natl. Suff. Assn, 607; chmn. Citizenship Schools Com, 690; at Natl. Repub. Conv, 716: 724; helps revise constn. of Natl. Assn, 756.
  • Siewers, Dr. Sarah M. 71.
  • Simkovitch. Mary M. K, 705.
  • Simpson, Mrs. David, 511.
  • Sims U. S. Rep. Thetus W. (Tenn.), 637.
  • Sioussat, Mrs. Albert L, 152.
  • Skinner, Mrs. Otis, 333.
  • Slade, Mrs. Louis F, women's war service in N. Y, 533; offers res. for women on Red Cross War Council, 530-40; New York's apology for U. S. Sen. Wadsworth, 610; 689.
  • Smith, Gov. Alfred E. (N. Y.), calls spec. session to ratify Fed. Suff. Amend, 650; welcomes Mrs. Catt from Tenn. campn, 652.
  • Smith, Caroline M, 317.
  • Smith, Charles Sprague, 280.
  • Smith, Mrs. Draper, tells of defeat 4 Neb, 402; campn. work, 420; 444.
  • Smith, U. S. Sen. Ellison D, 713.
  • Smith, Ethel M, estab. natl. speakers' bureau, 419; work on Congressl. Com, 448; report on Indust. Protect. of Women, 520; chmn. of publicity, 526, 528; report on Protect. e Women in Government service, 720.
  • Smith, U. S. Sen. Hoke, 645.
  • Smith, Judith W, 137; 208; 501.
  • Smith, Dr. Julia Holmes, 617.
  • Smith, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, speaks at natl. conv, 490; elected to Natl. Bd, 501; 724.
  • Smithsonian Institution, gives space for suff. exhibit; list of articles including historic table on which Call for first Woman's Rights Conv. was written; story of, 609.
  • Smoot, U. S. Sen. Reed, “glories in every victory for wom. suff,” 546; speaks at Senate hearing, 633; for wom. suff. plank in Repub. platform, 711.
  • Smoot, Mrs. Reed, 382.
  • Snell, U. S. Rep. Bertrand H. (N.Y.), 548.
  • Snowden, Mrs. Philip, situation in Brit. Parl, defends “militancy,” 236 — 238.
  • Social Evil, natl. suff. conv. protests against “regulated” vice in Manila, and Hawaii, to; again; govt. “regulation” in Philippines stopped by War Dept, 44; conv. protests against it in Cincinnati, 67; protests against legal sanction, 146; calls for suppression of white slave traffic, 212; discussion of social evil, 224 — 226; position of Natl. Suff. Assn, 340; Miss Addams shows necessity for women to deal with, 343; Mrs. Catt demands polit. power in the hands of women to deal with, 346.
  • Socialist Party, for wom. suff, 206; the only one, 362: Rep. Berger at House hearing, 361-2; Natl. conv. declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 480; statistics of vote in N. Y. suff. amend. campn, 537: did not carry N. Y, 580; “antis” say they did, 584; always advocate wom. suff, 702; plank in platform, 714.