Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/853

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  • Wilson, Mrs. Halsey W, instructs suff. schools, 539; elected natl. rec. secy, 541; 556; 570; at ratif. banquet, 610;
  • Wilson, Margaret, on hon. com. for natl. suff. conv, 440; showers Dr. Shaw with flowers, sits on suff. platform, 459; at suff. meeting in Washtn, 724.
  • Wilson, Gov. Woodrow (N. .J.), approves of School suff. for women, 320.
  • Wilson, Pres. Woodrow, converted to wom, suff, xxi; first delegation recd. is a group of suffs; they quote from his book The New Freedom, 374; urged by natl. suff. conv. to make Fed. Suff. Amend. administration measure and recommend it in his message; he pays no attention; Dr. Shaw and conv. resent; make appt. to call on him; he receives them, first President to do SO, 373-4; Dr. Shaw presents their case, tells how Cong. has ignored them, asks him to send spec. message and recom. a Wom. Suff. Com. in Lower House; he answers that he cannot speak as an individual but only as directed by his party but he favors the Wom. Suff. Com; delegation pleased, 374-5; 378; asked to proclaim Women's Independence Day, 404; Miss Schwimmer brings petition for peace, 410; favors initiative and referendum, 417; Natl. Suff. Assn. commands effort for peace, 426; 434; with seven of his Cabinet declares for wom. suff; votes in N. J. for amend; receives natl. suff. conv; says he is thinking of suff. plank in Dem. platform, 440; natl. conv, expresses appreciation of his declaration for wom. suff, 461; it received more votes at last election than he did, 473; 475; 488-9; addresses natl. suff. conv. in 1916; scene in theater, 495-6; listens to other speakers; Mrs. Catt introduces: text of speech, 496; pictures the evolution of the Govt, says movement for wom. suff. has come with conquering power and will prevail; he has come to fight with its advocates and they will not uarrel as to method, 496 — 498; Dr. Shaw tells him women want it in his administration and he smiles and bows, 498-9; signs Natl. Child Labor Law “with pride and pleasure,” 500; suff. leaders urge him to endorse Fed. Amend. but he declines, 507; sends congrat. to natl. suff. conv; has reached a belief in Fed. Amend, 520; calls extra session of Cong. asks for declaration of war, 523; says creation of Com. on Wom. Suff. would be very wise act, 524; “democracy a rule of action,” 533; Dr. Shaw proposes message of loyalty and support which conv. sends, 533; chairmen of four minor parties petition for Fed. Suff. Amend, 548; sends _ best wishes for Fed. Amend. to natl. suff. conv; it returns appreciation of his support, 558; Dem. members call on him; he advises submission of Fed. Suff. Amend, 562; appeals to Senate in person, 563; makes second appeal, 564; accepts services of Natl. Suff. Assn. for war, 578; favors Fed. Amend, 579; anti-suffs. misuse his declaration on wom. suff, 580; members of House com. interview and he urges it, 583; sends best wishes to League of Women Voters, 599; natl. conv. expresses gratitude, 600; inaugurated, receives four deputns. for wom. suff, 626; favors it, 630; favors Wom. Suff. Com, 633; 634; declares for Fed. Suff. Amend, 635; Dem. women confer with, 639; appeals to Senate, 640; second appeal, 640; cables from Paris, 642-3; calls spec. session of Cong, 644; Mrs. Catt pays tribute for his support of Fed. Suff. Amend, 648; assists ratif. in Tenn; sends message to jubilee suff. meeting, 652; on wom. suff. in 1912 and 1915, 708; suggests wom. suff. plank in 1916, 713-14; explains it; does not disapprove Fed. Amend, 714; Natl. Amer. Wom. Suff. Assn. offers its services for war work, 722; he expresses appreciation, 725; women ask representn. at Peace Conf, 738; he pays tribute to Woman's Com. of Council of Natl. Defense, 739; Dr. Shaw answers his declaration that U. S. wants nothing material out of the war, 759; tribute to Dr. Shaw after her death, 760; with Mrs. Wilson sends sympathy and flowers, 760; address to Senate urging submission of Fed. Suff. Amend; “wom. suff. necessary to prosecution of the war and trust of other peoples,” 761 — 763.