Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/854

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  • Winslow, Rose, 364; brings to natl. conv. res. for suff. of Natl. Wom. Trade Union League, 394.
  • Winsor, Mary, 319.
  • Wise, Rabbi Stephen S, 141.
  • Wollstonecraft, Mary, 185.
  • Woman Citizen, Woman's Journal and other papers merged in, 528; work for Fed. Amend, 556; acct. of Senate debate on Fed. Suff. Amend, 563; “service indispensable,” 614; 698.
  • Woman Suffrage, status in 1901, 16.
  • Woman Suffrage Committee, gives five days' hearing on Fed. Suff. Amend, reports favorably, 562; again, 565.
  • Woman Suffrage Party, name widely adopted, 313.
  • Woman Suffrage Publishing Co, Natl, final report, printed and distrib. 50,000,000 pieces of literature, 614. See Ogden, Esther G.
  • Woman's Christian Temperance Union, State of Tasmania sends greetings to natl. suff. conv, 28; World's, endorses wom. suff, 205; action of States, 206; close cooperation with suff. assns, 215; 247; many references.
  • Woman's Committee of Council of National Defense, Govt. appoints Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman, 520; she describes its duties, asks coöperation of Natl. Suff. Assn, 534 — 536; further acct, other members, 726-7; 730; great work, 737; its duties ended, Secy. of War Baker's tribute, 739.
  • Woman's Journal, 39; on natl. conv. in New Orleans, 55; 73; 79; 8903 accounts of suff. conv. in Portland, 118-19; compliments to, 132; tribute to Miss Anthony, 134; comment on change of heart of Miss Anthony and Mr. Blackwell, 147; report on wom. suff. in Legislatures, 211; Miss Blackwell's work on, 260; account of expos. at Seattle and suff. day, 264; criticises Pres. Taft's speech to natl. suff. conv, 273; Mr. Blackwell's work on paper, 277; Miss Blackwell offers to make it offic. organ of Natl. Amer. Assn, which accepts, 289; descrip. of natl. suff. convs, 290; founder and editors, 311; first report under auspices of Natl. Amer. Assn, 315; high praise for Ky. women, 331; bound vols. at natl. suff. headqrs, 335; deficit under control of Natl. Assn, paid by Mrs. McCormick and paper returned to Miss Blackwell, 337; says Shafroth Amend. should have been submitted to Natl. Exec. Council but supports it, 415, 422; merged in Woman Citizen, 528; 667.
  • Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Foundation in Preventive Medicine, mem. to Dr. Shaw, 613.
  • Woman's Rights Convention, first, 16; 60th anniv. celebr, 213; Mrs. Stanton's and Miss Howland's descriptions, 215; program of meeting, 219.
  • Women's Trade Union League, Natl. res. for wom. suff, 394.
  • Wood, C. E. S, 135.
  • Wood, Harriette Johnson, 238.
  • Wood, Henry A. Wise, at last suff. hearing, “voting a man's job,” 585.
  • Wood, U.S. Rep. William R. (Ind.), 548.
  • Woods, Dr. Frances, 20; 208.
  • Woodward, Mrs. C. S, 229.
  • Woolley, Rev. Celia Parker, 18; 20; 703.
  • Woolley, Pres. Mary E, at natl. suff. conv. in Balto, shows indebtedness of higher education of women to suff. leaders, tribute to Miss Anthony, plea for wom. suff, 168-9; 442; signs Call for Natl. Coll. Wom Suff. League, 661; an officer, 663.
  • Woolsey, Kate Trimble, 239.
  • Working women, laws for, 95; need of vote, 97; 143; suff. movement needs, 165-6; their need of vote, injustice of Govt, 189; 209; their need of suff, 210; conditions in New York, 231; duty of women of leisure, 233; Congressl. suff. hearing devoted to, 301; 302; 304; Miss Lathrop says theirs would not be the ignorant vote, 345; their case presented at natl. suff. conv, 348, 350 — 2; 356; 357; 361; on natl. wom. suff. platform, 1913, the ballot and a square deal demanded, 364-5; their large orgztns. want suff, 392; laws for in equal suff. States, 393; they demand the vote, 304; no chivalry for, 409; 472; they only can reach working men, 519.
  • Works, U. S. Sen. John D, 339; 347.
  • Works, Mrs. John D, 382.
  • Wright Carroll D, for wom. suff, 196.