Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 3).djvu/648

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Table showing at what Ports Exemptions existed, &c., in 1852, in favour of certain British Ships, &c.

                 | | | Amount of | When Exemption will
     Name. | Persons, &c., exempt. | How exempt. | Tax. | expire.
                 | | | £ s. |
Faversham | Vessels belonging to residents are exempt | Favour of Lord of | 19 0 | May cease at any time at
                 | from anchorage duty levied by authority | the Manor. | | will of lord.
                 | of the Lord of the Manor. | | |
                 | | | |
Chichester | Freemen, from one-half quay dues, levied by | — | 136 0 | Extinction of class of
                 | prescriptive right of the Corporation. | | | freemen.
                 | | | |
Southampton | Vessels belonging to the port, from tonnage | — | 4,350 0 |
                 | and other dues. | | |
                 | | | |
Cowes | Vessels registered at Cowes, from harbour | — | 58 0 |
                 | dues. | | |
                 | | | |
Newport | Freemen of Newport, from dues | — | 230 0 | Ditto.
                 | | | |
Exeter | Freemen of Exeter, from town dues | Under Charter | 716 0 |
                 | | | |
Teignmouth | Vessel belonging to the port, from anchorage | — | 2 9 |
                 | dues. | | |
                 | | | |
Torquay | Ditto, pay annually 8d. per ton, while | — | 2,510 0 | Completion of new harbour.
                 | others pay 4d. each time. | | |
                 | | | |
Plymouth | Cinque Ports vessels, from anchorage dues | Charters | 282 0 |
                 | | | |
Brixham | Resident owners, from harbour dues | — | 648 0 |
                 | | | |
Totness | Freemen of Totness, from quay dues | — | 346 0 | Extinction of class of
                 | | | | freemen.