Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 3).djvu/649

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                 | | | |
Fowey | Vessels belonging to Fowey and the Cinque | — | 32 0 |
                 | Ports, from anchorage dues. | | |
                 | | | |
Falmouth | Vessels belonging to Falmouth, Truro, and | — | 313 0 |
                 | Cinque Ports, from anchorage and flag | | |
                 | money. | | |
                 | | | |
Penryn | Local vessels, from mastage dues. | | |
                 | | | |
St. Michael's | Fish belonging to inhabitants, from dues on | — | 157 0 |
  Mount | goods. | | |
                 | | | |
Bideford | Barnstaple Corporation, from imports and | — | 97 0 |
                 | tonnage duties. | | |
                 | | | |
Bristol | Freemen of Bristol, London, and Liverpool, | — | 4,389 0 | Ditto.
                 | from town dues on goods imported from | | |
                 | foreign ports. | | |
                 | | | |
Swansea | Freemen of Swansea, from dues on certain | Ancient customs | 1,564 0 | Ditto.
                 | goods. | | |
                 | | | |
Carmarthen | Freemen of Carmarthen, from dues on | Under the Municipal | 76 0 | Ditto.
                 | certain goods. | Acts. | |
                 | | | |
Beaumaris | Burgesses of the old Corporation, from town | — | 350 0 | Extinction of old Corporation,
                 | dues. | | | when the
                 | | | | town dues will expire.
Liverpool | Freemen of Liverpool, London, Waterford, and | Ancient charters or |144,100 0 |
                 | Wexford, being inhabitant house-*holders, | customs. | |
                 | from town and anchorage dues. | | |
                 | | | |
Lancaster | Freemen of Lancaster, from anchorage dues | — | 8 0 |
                 | | | |
Newcastle | Freemen of London, Dover, Rye, Faversham, | By prescription |13,456 0[1]| Extinction of class of
                 | Folkestone, Sandwich, York, and Newcastle, | | | freemen.
                 | are exempt from export dues. | | |

  1. 810l. allowed to persons exempt.