Page:History of the French in India.djvu/625

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INDEX. ACTI ACHE, Count d', appointed naval col- league to Lally, 511. His character, 511. He wastes time on the passage out, 514. Is beaten off Nagapatan, 503. Refuses to act against Madras, 536. His indecision and ill-luck, 536. Is defeated oft" Tranquebar, 531. Sails for the Isle of France, 532. Appro- priates for the fleet money intended for Pondiehery, 541. Arrives in the Indian waters, 554. Is beaten by Pocock, 555. Abandons Pondiehery, 557. Becomes the accuser of Lally, 581 Adlercron, Colonel, commands a force in the Karnatik, 466. Retreats to- wards Madras, 467 Ahmad Shah Abdali, effect of his inva- sion of India on the movements of Clive, 475 Ahmad Shah, becomes King of Delhi, 234 Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of, effects of, in India, 229 Alemanava, acquired by the French, 281 Angria, surrenders to the English and Marathas, 454 Anandaraj, Raja, revolts against the French, 549 Anwaru-din, Nawwab, appointed to ad- minister the Karnatik, 106. Nomin- ated Nawwab, 106. Appealed to by Dupleix, 106. Responds, 107. Refuses to restrict the movements of the French against Madras, 143. Threa- tens the French, 150. His impatience at the French occupation of Madras, 189. Sends troops there under Mafauz Khan, 190. Comes to terms with the French, 205. Declares against the French, 224. Opposes Chanda Sahib, 237. Is killed in battle, 238 AT7T Arambure, M. d', reinforces Law, 487. His brilliant conduct, 489. Bears the brunt of the action, 491. His skill and gallantry, 594. His fatal mistake at Pondiehery, 570 Arkat, its capture by Clive, 294 Ariankupum, its situation, 217. Is for- tified, 217. English repulsed at, 225. Abandoned by the French, 225 Asiatic, the, his peculiarity as a soldier, 491 Astruc, M. , appointed to command be- fore Trichinapalh', 387. Repulses an attack on Srirangam, 387. Crosses the Kavan and occupies the Five Rocks, 389. Attacks and carries the Golden Rock, 391 . Has victory within his grasp, 393. It is snatched from him by Lawrence, 385. Resigns his command, 395. Resumes it, 400. His caution, 400. Is attacked by Law- rence, 401. Is defeated and taken prisoner, 402 Aumont, M. d', his shameful conduct at Wandiwash, 537 AurangaMd, entered by Salabat Jang and Bussy, 279. Occupied by Ghaziu- d-din, 368. Bussy marches on, 380 Aurangzeb, his plans on the Dakhan and death, 348 Auteuil, M. d', commands the French force, 237. Is wounded, 238. Wins the battle of Ambur, 239. Takes com- mand at Valdavur, 251. Vainly tries to stop the mutiny in his army, 252. Resolves to retreat, 253. Repulses the Marathas, 254. Brought to trial by Dupleix, 255. Is restored to com- mand, 256. Detaches a party to attack Nasir Jang, 257. Moves on Tiruvadi, 258. Defeats Muhammad Ali, 258. Aids in the capture of