Page:History of the French in India.djvu/626

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600 INDEX. BAL Jinjl, 264. Leads a force towards Trichinapalll, 284. Defeats Gin- gens at Volconda, 286. His gout and apathy, 286. Follows up the English, 287. Shuts them up in Trichinapalll, 287. Relieved of his command, 289. Sent to supersede Law, 316. Attempts to reach the Kolrun, 320. Retires from Utatur, 324. Surrenders to Clive, 324. Ap- pointed to command a force against Trichinapalll, 450. His faulty method of warfare, 451. Its ill-success, 453. Replaced by Saubinet, 454 ■g ALESHWAR, factory at, founded, 33 Balaji Baji Rao, the Peshwa, receives two lakhs from Salabat Jang, 280. Promises to support Ghaziu-d-din, 349. Enters the Dakhan, 356. Has- tens to bar the road to Puna, 356. Is defeated by Bussy, 359. His intrigues, 360. Forced to fly for his life, 360. Is again beaten, 361. Opens negotia- tions with Salabat Jang, 363. And concludes an armistice, 364. Offers himself to the highest bidder, 365. Agrees to peace with Sala>at Jang, 368. Invades Maisur, 477. Retires, 478. Refuses to assassinate Bussy, 481. His anxiety to gain Bussy, 482. Endeavours to propitiate him, 483 Bara Sahib, defeated and slain by the Marathas, 90 Barnet, Commodore, charged to destroy the French settlements, 101. Appro- priates the plan of La Bourdonnais. 120, note. Dies, 126 Barneval, Mrs., daughter of Dupleix, writes to La Bourdonnais, 147 Baron, M., Director of Surat, 20. Be- sieged in St. Thome, 22. Visits Martin at Pondichery, 23. Returns to Surat and reports to the Company, 23, note Barth61emy, M., appointed Councillor at Madras, 157. Protests against La Bourdonnais, 164. Appointed mem- ber of secret committee, 444 Basalat Jang, appointed keeper of the great seal to Salabat Jang, 499. No- minated his minister, 499. Declines the French overtures, 557 Battles, of Damalcheri, 82. Off Naga patan, 127. Near Madras, 194. Near St. Thome, 196. OfAmbur,238. On the Panar, 260. Near Jinji, 268. Of Volconda, 285. Of the Ami, 304. Of BUS Kavaripak, 304. Of Vicravandi, 336. Of Bahur, 337. Near Beder, 358. Of Rajapur, 360. Near Korigaon, 373. Of the Golden Rock (first), 390. Of the Golden Rock (second), 395. Of the Sugarloaf Rock, 399. Off Naga- patan, 509. Off Tranquebar, 531. Of Kondur, 549. Off Fort St. David, 555. Of Wandiwash, 567 Bausset, M., appointed Peace Commis- sioner, 410 Beaulieu, Captain, joins Commodore de Nets in an expedition, 6. Commands one of his own, 7. Returns to France, 7 Bijapur, succumbs to Aurangzeb, 23, Boileau, M., appointed member of secret committee, 442 Bonnessay, Cornet, obedient among the disobedient, 565 Boscawen, Admiral, his lineage, 219. Appointed to command the expedition against Pondichery, 219. His abortive attack on the islands, 221. Is re- pulsed at Ariankupum, 222. Occupies it and closes on Pondichery, 224. His great efforts and their failure, 226. Raises the siege, 226. Leaves for England, 247 Bourbon, Isle of, see Isle of France. Bouvet, M., Governor of Bourbon, sails for Pondichery, 214. Outmanoeuvres the English admiral, 214. Returns the coast, 228 Brennier, M., succeeds Astruc in com- mand, 397. His two plans, 397. De- termines to intercept Lawrence, 398. His mistakes and defeat, 399. Re- treats to Mutachelinur, 401. Resigns command to Astruc, 401 Brereton, Major, supports a sortie against the French, 536. Storms Kanchipuram, 551. Takes Tripatur, 554. Is repulsed at Wandiwash, 554. Is mortally wounded, 564 Bruyere, M., appointed a Commissioner under De Bury, 165. Bury, General de, appointed to execute the orders of Dupleix against La Bourdonnais, 165. Hands over to La Bourdonnais a letter from the Coun- cil, 166. Is arrested with his com- panions, 168. Appointed to command the force against Fort St. David, 201. Marches thither, 202. Is sur- prised and beaten, 204 Bussy, M. de, is present at the battle of Ambur, 239. Gains the day, 239. His lineage, 262. Sent to attack Jinjl,