Page:History of the Fylde of Lancashire (IA historyoffyldeof00portiala).pdf/211

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                    VICARS OF POULTON-LE-FYLDE.
  Date of | Vicars. | On whose | Cause of vacancy.
Institution.| | Presentation. |
In 1431 |Wm. de Croukeshagh |Abbot and Convent |
            | | of Sion |
" 1442 |Richard Brown | Ditto |
Before 1519 |William Bretherton | Ditto |
In 1552 |Ranulph Woodward |Edward VI. |
            |Richard Cropper | |
" 1565 |Wm. Wrightington |John Fleetwood, of |Death of Richard
            | | Penwortham | Cropper
" 1573 |Richard Grenhall | Bridget Fleetwood |Death of William
            | | and William, her | Wrightington
            | | son |
" 1582 |Peter Whyte |Edward Fleetwood |Death of Richard
            | | and William Purston | Grenhall
About 1650 |John Sumner | |
            |George Shaw | |
In 1674 |Richard Harrison |Richard Fleetwood, |Death of George
            | | of Rossall | Shaw
" 1718 |Timothy Hall |Edward Fleetwood, |Death of Richard
            | | of Rossall | Harrison
" 1726 |Robert Loxham | Ditto [1] |Death of T. Hall
" 1749 |Robert Loxham |Roger Hesketh, of |Resignation of R.
            | | Rossall | Loxham
" 1770 |Thomas Turner |Exors. of Fleetwood |Death of Robert
            | | Hesketh, of Rossall,| Loxham
            | | by consent |
            | | of his widow |
" 1810 |Nathaniel Hinde |Bold Fleetwood |Death of Thomas
            | | Hesketh, of Rossall | Turner
" 1820 |Chas. Hesketh, M.A.| Peter Hesketh, of |Cession of N. Hinde
            | | Rossall |
" 1835 |John Hull, M.A. |Rev. C. Hesketh, of |Resignation of C.
            | | North Meols | Hesketh
" 1864 |Thos. Clarke, M.A. | Ditto |Resignation of J.
            | | | Hull
" 1869 |William Richardson,| Ditto |Death of T. Clarke
            | M.A. | |

Of the earlier vicars mentioned above, nothing is known until we come to the Rev. Peter Whyte, of whose immediate

  1. In all previously issued lists of vicars, Richard Fleetwood has erroneously
    been named as patron in this instance. There was no Rich. Fleetwood of Rossall
    at that time, and Edward, who had been patron at the former institution, was probably
    still alive as he had no son and but one daughter, who married Roger
    Hesketh, the next patron in right of his wife.