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descendants it is recorded that, after his death, they rapidly drifted into poverty, and that one of them, a granddaughter, regularly attended the fairs of Poulton as the wife of a pedlar or hawker. The Rev. Richard Harrison was cousin to Cuthbert Harrison, the Nonconformist divine who suffered ejection, and belonged to the Bankfield family. Until instituted to Poulton, Richard Harrison was curate at Goosnargh. His son Paul gained some celebrity as a controversial writer on matters of ecclesiastical interest.[1] The Loxhams settled at Dowbridge, near Kirkham, and that estate is still held by the family. The Rev. Thomas Turner purchased the living in 1770, when it was worth no more than £75 per annum, for £200, and held it until his death forty years later. The Rev. C. Hesketh, M.A., brother to the late Sir Peter Hesketh Fleetwood, bart., is rector of North Meols and patron of the living. During a portion of the time when he was vicar of Poulton, the Rev. R. Bowness was curate in charge. The Rev. John Hull, M.A., is honorary canon of Manchester, and and was examining chaplain to the Right Rev. Prince Lee, D.D., the first bishop of this diocese, by whom he was appointed to the rectory of Eaglescliffe, near Yarm, one of the most valuable livings in his gift. The Rev Thomas Clarke, M.A., was originally curate at the Parish Church of Preston, and afterwards became incumbent of Christ Church in the same town, which living he resigned on being presented to the vicarage of Poulton.

Subjoined are a number of extracts selected from the old account books of the churchwardens, and in them will be found much that is both interesting and curious:—


"June 4.—To the Ringers, being his Majestie's Birthday, 3s. 0d.

July 8.—To a Bottle of Wine to a strange Parson, 2s. 0d.: To ditto to a strange Parson, 2s. 0d.


"June 6."—To Mr. Lomas for mending clock, 2s. 2d.

August 18.—To Thomas Parkinson for Rushes, 6s. 8d.: Spent when Rush came, 1s. 7d.

Oct. 20.—To Mr. Loxham for a Prayer, 2d.

  1. In 1876 a brass plate was found in Poulton church, near the site of the old communion table, inscribed:—"Here lies the body of Anne, wife of Richard Harrison, vicar of Poolton, who dyed the 24th of December, 1679, aged 55 years."