Page:History of the Fylde of Lancashire (IA historyoffyldeof00portiala).pdf/213

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Dec. 25.—Spent Receiving Bassoon, 1s. 6d.: To Clark in full for wages, £4 0s. 0d.: To Ringers Last half y^r Sallary, 18s. 0d.: To Singers in full, 12s. 6d.


"Sept. 15.—Rushes for Church, 6s. 8d.: Candles, Beesoms, &c., 12s. 6d.


"May 13.—Court fees at Visitation, 7s. 10d.: Churchwardens' Expenses at Preston, £1 7s. 5d.: Curat's horse hire to D^o, 2s. 6d.

July 20.—To Reed for Bassoon, 4s. 6d.

Nov. 21.—To Hugh Seed for Flaggin, £6 18s. 8-1/2d.: To Thos. Crook for Church steps, 18s. 4d.: Ale at fixing d^o, 1s. 0d.


"Sept. 1.—To Mr. Warbrick for Cloth for Surp^{ce}, 10-1/2d.: To a Sacrament day, 11s. 6d.


"Feb. 1.—To A New Prayer Book, £1 1s. 3d.

 "   6.—To Cleaning Candlesticks, 2s. 0d.

Mar. 27.—To Cash w^{th} Marton Parson, 5s. 5d.

By Miss Hesketh's Burial in the Church, 3s. 4d.


"Mar. 13.—To Cash allowed Church Wardens for attending sacram^{ent}, 5s. 0d.


"May 29.—To Ringers ale, 3s. 0d.

Aug. 18.—Spent when Parson Hull preeched, 4s. 6d.


Aug. 14.—To cleaning Windows, 7s.; and lowance of ale 2s. 6d.


"July 4.—Spent on Parson Eckleston and another strange Parson, one Red prayrs and the other preached, 3s. 6d.

Dec. 21.—To Expense of a Meeting in sending for boys that had done Mischief at Church, 1s.


"May 3.—To 5 Church Wardens attending 7 Sacrament Days, £1 15s. 0d.

May 6.—To Horse Hire for 5 Church Wardens twice to the Visitation, £1 5s.: To W^m Brown for ale for Rich^d Rossall whilst he was altering Pulpit, and at settling his acc^t, 3s.

June 30.—Spent on Martin Singers, 10s.

Oct. 4.—Spent on St. Lawrence's Singers, 18s. 4d.


"July 14.—It is agreed this Day among the Parishioners of the several Townships of Poulton that all arrears belonging to the said Parish unto the time of Visitation last past shall be paid and discharged by a Tax regularly laid upon the Parish in general, and that all charges of Organ and Organist for the Parish