Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/37

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be longer delayed. Arrearages must be paid before the paper is discontinued. * * * Advertisements inserted at $1 per square for three insertions, and 25 cents for each subsequent one. Yearly advertisements inserted on reasonable terms. Communications must be post-paid."

The following editorial appeared in the first issue: "In assuming the control of a newpaper press, we are deeply sensible of the responsibility of the duties we engage to perform; and it shall be our constant solicitude to repay the public confidence and favor, so liberally bestowed, by a free and diligent discharge of those duties. That we may err at times, both from weakness of judgment and sensibility of temper, we have little doubt; but as we bring to our undertaking, a willingness of correction and an ardent love of our country and its institutions, we hope they will make amends in some degree, for the errors we may occasionally commit. Whilst then we pledge ourselves to a temperate and independent discharge of duty, we rely with confidence on the continued support and indulgence of our numerous friends."

The design of the new paper and the object in starting it, were given in the following prospectus: "The rapidly increasing business and importance of our flourishing county in the view of many of our enlightened citizens, seem to call for an extension of the means by which the resources and business of the county are brought into public notice. Within the last ten years the population has increased at the rate of fifty per cent; and during the same period great quantities of our fertile soil have been settled and improved into rich and productive farms, whilst our enterprising manufacturers availing themselves of the unlimited water power of our great streams, have added to our character as an agricultural, that of a manufacturing community also. Such increase evidently demands new sources of information.