Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/38

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24. HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTY PAPERS. New interests will be created, and the vast resources of the county unfolded by the operation of fresh enterprise, and new skill will speedily elevate it to that point of wealth and importance to which it is undoubtedly destined to attain. These considerations have induced us to establish a weekly newspaper, to be called the 'Beaver Eiver Gazette.' Devoted as we shall be to the general interests of the county, more than to party strife, it will be our aim to render our paper useful to all classes of the community. The immense agricultural interests of the county shall be faithfully attended to; and every information connected with the business of the farmer shall be carefully sought and laid before him. The manufacturer may rely upon our fervent support ; and we will endeavor by all means in our power, to foster our manufacturing establishments and promote their growth. To the merchant and man of business, our paper shall impart all the information that can facilitate commerce, or increase the intercourse of trade, and we shall hope to become an acceptable visitor in the family circle, by our selections in morality and light literature. A depart- ment of our paper shall be allotted to the promulgation of the improvements in the arts and discoveries of science, as it is by their adoption and application that the mechanical arts' can alone advance to greater per- fection. "Although our design, as we have stated, is not the establishment of an exclusively political paper, yet our course in politics shall be decidedly Democratic ; and we will fearlessly applaud and sustain the patriotic exertions of the administrations of the State and General Govern- ments, in the maintenance of republican order and liberty, and for the promotion of those great interests committed by the people to their charge. On all the great and leading topics that shall engage political dis- cussion, our readers may expect us to lay before them.