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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A.D. Treaty of Versailles .... 1783 Ministry of Calonne .... 1783 Assembly of Notables .... 1787 Meeting of the States-General . . 1789 The National Assembly .... 1789 Taking of the Ba.stile .... 1789 New Constitution and other changes . 1790 The Legislative Assembly . . . 1791 Massacres of September. . . . 1792 The National Convention . . , 1792 Abolition of Royalty .... 1792 ]3attle of Valmy 1792 Execution of Lewis XVL . . . 1793 War with England 1793 Massacre at Lyons 1793 Worship of Reason . . . 1794 Execu'ion of Danton and of Robespierre 1794 The Directory ; First appearance of Na- poleon Buonaparte .... 1795 Italian campaigns of Buonaparte . 1796-1797 Peace of Campo Formic , . . 1797 Wai In Egypt ; invasion of Switzerland 1798-1801 Captivity of Pius VI., French losses . 1799 Buonaparte First Consul . . 1799 Katllc5 nf Marengo and Hohenlinden . 1800 Peace of Inneville .... 1801 Buonapailc KirJt Consul for life . . 1802 Peace of Amiens 1803 Buonaparte Emperor . . . 1804 Buona]iarte King of Italy . . . 1805 Last with the Empire ; BdHlc of Austerlitz 1805 Peace of Pressburg .... 1806 Confederation of the Rhine . . . IBUfi War with Prussia ; Battle of Jena . . J806 Battle of FriedLand ; Peace of Til it . 1807 PAGR 164 164 165 166 167 I6S 170 170 170 171 172 173 174 175 176, 177 177 177-179 180 I So 182 1S2 182 1 84 iss 185-186 186 1 86 iS6 ii>7