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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Battle of Trafalgar .... Buonaparte gives Spain to his brother Joseph ..... England helps the Spaniards . Battle of Talavei a ' Annexation of Rome War with Austria ; Battle of Wagram annexation of the lUyrian provinces Greatest extent of the French dominions Invasion of Russia .... Return from Russia Alliance against Buonaparte ; Battle of Leipzig ..... The Allies enter France ; Abdication of Buonaparte ; Peace of Paris Lewis XVIIL King Return of Buonaparte ; Battle of Water loo ; Restoration of Lewis XVIII. Death of Buonaparte Murder of the Duke of Berry French intervention in Spain . Charles X. King .... Battle of Navarino Revolution of July ; Louis Philippe Kin Kingdom of Belgium Death of the Duke of Orleans Spanish Man-iages .... Revolution of February ; Second Re public ..... Louis Napoleon Buonaparte President The French Republic puts down th Roman Republic Louis Napoleon President for ten years Louis Napoleon Emperor Crimean War .... 1 Italian Warj Annexation of Savoy and Nizza ....... A.D. PAGE 1805 IS7 1807 188 1808 1 88 1809 189 1809 1 89 1811 190 1812 191 1813 191 1813 1814 193. 194 1814 195 1815 195-197 1821 197 1822 19S 1823 198 1824 198 1827 199 1830 199-200 1831 201 1842 202 1845 203 1848 203-205 1848 205 1849 205 1851 206 1852 207 854-1856 207-208 1859 20S