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INDEX. VII., 24 ; mother of Philip Au- gustus, id. Alice of Brilanny, daughter of Con- stance and Guy of Thenars, 30 ; married to Peier of Dreux, ^6. Allies, the, coalition ef, aga-nst France, 169, 171 ; driven back oy tKche and Pichegru, 173 ; Itahancampaijins of, 176-178; defeat the French in 17^9, 181; second Italian war of, i8j; great coalition of, against Buona- parte, 187 ; defeated by Buona- parte, 187. 188; victorious at Leip- zig. 194 ; invade France, 195 ; tnier Pans, 196 ; their second entry into Paris. iq8. Alma, battle of the, 209. Almanza, battle of, 153. Aha, Duke . f. Viceroy of Naples. 104 ; his with Catherine of Meilici, 109. Ainalnc cf Montfjrt, his marriage, 35; offers bez.ers and Nimes to Pnilip Augustus, ib. Amaury, .-Vbtot, his answer to Simon cf Mention. 34; makes Viscount RayiuLnd l f Beziers prisoner, ib. Amtoise. i onspiracy of, 106; Paci- fication of. lOJ. Amer.can, revolt of, fr;m England. 163 ; aided by France, V>. ; declarai.on of independtnce, ib. A niens, ccmmune formed in, 20; raids of tLnguerrand <.f Coucy on, ib. ; besieged and taken by Fienr>' IV., 121; Peace if, 184; Battle cf, 213; German occupation of, ib. Anagni, Synod at, 148 ; seizure of Boniface VIII. at, ib. Anyouleme. Duke of, his reception at Bourdeaux, 195 ; married to Maria 1 heresa of France, 200 ; his Spanish exped.tion, ib. ; opposes the de- puties, 202. Anjju, granied to Robert the Strong. 7; rise of its counts. 11, 16; us connection with England, 21, 24; C^iunty of. un.ted to England under Htnry II., 24; given up by Edward III., 59; rcitJied to Kene of An- jou, 76. Anne, daughter cf laroslaf of Rusiiia, n.arries Henry I., 16. Atiiie of Aiisiri.i. wife of Lews XIII., 127: her character and regency, i;<4, 136; rec.ilis Mazarin, 137. Anne of Beaujcu, her marriage, 87 ; her reg' ncy 88. Anne c f Bruanny, her suitors, 89 ; asks lielp of Maximdmn, ib. ; married 10 Charles VIII., 90 ; her second mar- riage with Lewis XII., 92 ; her death, 95. Anne of Burgundy, wife of John, Duke of Bedford, her death, 74. Aune of Este, mas.sacrecf HugU(.nois ow ng tu, 107. Anne Marie of Montpensier, closes Orleans against Lewis XIV., 138. Ant ny. Count of Vaudemont, di^putes the Duchy ef with Rene of Anj u. 73; helped by Phihp of Burgundy, >b. ; his son Ferdinand mairied 10 Rene's daughter, 74. An.ony of B urton, Du^e of VenJO.-ne, marries Queen Joan of Navare, 106 ; accused cf c n.^piracy, 107 ; secured by the 1 riuiux irate, ib. : killed at Rouen, 108. Aquiiauie, sju-h-western divi^io^ of Gaul. 3 ; added to Neusiria, 5 ; n minal auth.rity cf the French king over. ib. ; war of Hugh Capet in, 12; united to France by the marriage cf Eleanor and Lewis VII., 22; Tculou>e, a fief of. ib. ; added to Normandy and Anjou by Eleanor's marriage with Henry II. of England, 24 ; seized by Philip the Fair, 46 ; independent of France by the Peace of Bretigny, 59, 6t ; rule cf the Black Pnnce in, ib. hearth-tax levied in, 61 ; English driven eut of. 62. Aragon, kingbof, their fiefs in Southern Gaul, 34, 42. Arcula, Ausirians defeated at, by Bucnaparte, 178. Aries, Reman origin of, 3. Armagnac, Bernard, Count of. his rivalry with the house of Burgundy, 66; his badge, ib.; his treatment of Paris. 67 ; his power as constable, 68 ; killed, ib. Armagnac party, 66. An;orica, Celtic element in, 3 ; takes the name of Britanny, ib. Amulf, Count cf Flanders, his alliance with Hugh the Great, 9; kills Wil- liam Lv ngsword, lb. Arthur of Bntanny, his birth. 26 ; Ms cLaims, 29 ; acknowledged by Philip Augustus, ib. ; besieges the cas;le of Mirabcau, ib. ; t;»ien pris- ner by John, ib. ; supposed murder of, 30. Arthur, Count of Richemont, taken prisoner at Azincour, 67 ; made con- stable, 71 ; his character, ib. ; shut out of Bourges, ib. ; his pre.seiice at Rheims refused by Charles, 72; meets Philip of Burgundy at Arrag.