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INDEX. 211 74 ; hi-i h:irsh rule in Pans, 75 : s aived out, ib. army tax siig- g^ested ny, ib. his successi n to the Duchy of Britanny, 79 ; his dea:th. ib. Arras. Congress of. 74 ; its failure, ib. A.-tois, 71; 90; 98; 139 Artois, oC saying a'trlbuted to, 196 ; his despitic tendencies, 199. Aipern. battle of, 191. Ass.gnati. origin of the. 167. Augustus the Strong, King of Poland, 154 ; 160. Auinale, Duke of, his Algerian cam- paign, 203. Aur-iy, battle of, 60. Aus:erli:z, battle of. 187. Aus'rasia or Austria, land of the Eastern Fr.mks. 4. Austria. Archduchy of, 149; her share in the Seven Years' War, 159; wai of with Napoleon. 177 ; treaty r.f, with Napoleon, 17S; wars of, wiih Napoleon, 177 ; 178 ; 183 ; 187 ; 188 ; 19 1; 195; war of, with Lewis Napoleon, 210. Austrian Succession, war of the, 154. Avignon, commonwealth of, 36 : be- sieged and taken by Lewis VIII., ib. ; removal of the Papal seat to, 49 ; s Id to Clement VI. by Joan. Queen of Naples, 55 ; annexed to France, 167. Azincour, battle of, 67. B. Baldwin III., King of Jerusalem, 23. Bahie, Cardinal, imprisoned by Lewis XI.. 83. Bapaume, battle of, 213. Barras. minister at war, his opinion ot Napoleon Bu n.aparte, 176. Barrot, M. Odilon, appointed minister, 206. Bartholomew, Saint, massacre of, iii. Basque tongue, 3. Bastille, the, taken by Caboclie, tt ; 144 ; destroyed. 166. Bauge. battle of, 69. l!atU2en. battle < f , 194. Bavaria, allied with Bumaparte, 187; becomes king, ib. Tyrol added to. ib.; allied with Austria against Buonaparte, 194. Bazaine, Marshal, 212 ; 213. Bayard, Chevalier, knights Francis I., 56 ; taken prisoner at Rom.agnola, 07- Beaufort, (^ardinal, crowns Hen.-y VI. at Paris, 74. Beaufort, Duke of, his siiare in the FronJe, 136. Beauharnais, Eugene, iSo ; 186; 191. Beaulieu, the Ajstnan general, twice defeated by Napoleon. 177. Beaum nt. battle of, 210. Belgium, kingd ;m of 203. Bellei-je, Marshal, 155 Benedict IX., Pope, his election and death, 48- Berengaria of Navarre, wife of Richard I. <>f England, 27. Beresina, slaughter at the, on the retreat f r m Moscow, 193. Berlin, French occupation of, 188 Berlin Decrees, the. i83 Bernadotte. General, see Charles XIV. of Sweden. Bernard, St., founds the abbey cf Cla.rvaux, 20; his influence on men's minds, 21, 22 ; mediates for Lewis VII., 22; preaches the second Crusade. 23 ; his death, ib. Berry, Duke of, 195; assassinated, 200 ; Duchess of, attempts a Vendean r.sing, 203. Benha of Holland, divorced by Philip I., 17. Bertha, Countess of El ^is, marries Robert II.. 12; divorced, 13. Eertrade de Momf irt, her history, 17. Berwick, James, Duke (>f. cmmands the French in the Spanish Succession War. 14S; 150. Beza, The 'dore, 107. Beziers, siege of, 33. 34 ; offered to Philip Augustus by Amalric of Moutf irt. 35. Eiron, Duke of, his treachery, 124 ; pardoned by Henry IV., ih. trial and execution of, ib. Blacas, minister of Lewis XVIII., 195. Black Death, the, 55. Black Prince, the. see Edward. Blanche of B lurbon, murdered by her husband. Pi-ter rf Castile, 6i. Blanche of Cast.le, betr 'thed to Lewis the Li in, 29 ; rebelli 'U of tTie vassals ag.ainst, 36; detaches Theobald of Champagne fr m the League, 37 ; her vigor ms rule, ib. her character, 38 ; m.arries her son Lewis to Mar- garet of Provence, 38; made Regent, 39 ; her death, 41. Blenheim, battle of, f49. El'us, Count of, attacked by Fulk, C 'Unt f Ani 11, 2. Blois, S'ates-General convoked at, tt6; Empress Maria Louisa takes refuge at, 196.